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(A/N: Welcome to the last chapter of this fic. Thank you for supporting this until the end and I hope you enjoyed this final chapter as much as I did when writing it. Enjoy this ride while it lasts. Lastly, has anyone seen the Tokyo Revengers exhibition? Like there was a giant golden statue of Mikey having a pose that's inspired by Buddha. It's like fulfilling the tags of AO3 and in here about kneeling at the altar of Mikey. And if we can have a golden statue of him, then when are we getting a big, golden statue of Takemichi as well? I mean there are tags of worshipping him so...).

It started with a simple test of curiosity at a random bar antecedently.

For all the crimes that Takemichi had committed in this timeline under the crime organization of Bonten, he was frankly... and embarrassingly... an inexperienced lad in the sexual escapades department.





Or in more simplistic terms...

A virgin.

With all his one-time, previous relationship with his ex-girlfriend Hinata you would think that he had mastered the art of seduction and sexual prowess in the bed, right?

Takemichi would beg to differ and would exclaim on how sorely wrong you were.

His artless ambivalence and timidity towards physical affection with her had led them into nothing but shy hand holding and chaste kisses during the whole duration of their relationship with one another. It amazed him of how her considerate and understanding nature knows no bounds into his feeble attempt of physical forwardness which was merely equivalent to awkwardly slinging his arms around her shoulders or embracing her tenderly when they have their own moments.

But it was all in the past now.

The memory faded away in the back of his skull like a melted chalk of nothingness.

He could still remember that night around October after having his first kill of one of the traitors in front of Mikey and all the executives in Bonten as a test of faith and courage to join them. The glistening, wet eyes of the gagged traitor bored right through him as he despairingly pleaded for his life under that muffled screams and begging under that piece of cloth which was now wet with his drool and tears. The deathly expression on his face continued to haunt him even after pulling the trigger of his gun and the splashes of blood coated his face in splotchy batches of crimson as he stared mutely at the now dead person whose skull now bored a point-blank crack in the middle of his head.

Takemichi remembered on how he faced Mikey with an unnatural smile on his face and declaring his victory of passing their test with flying colors.

Takemichi remembered on how Mikey smiled blankly and hugged him as if he was a piece of silverware that would crack any minute now.

Takemichi remembered the hooting, whistling and small cheering from the Bonten executives, even stating that he was now a man who had a successful passage from a boy to a full-fledged adult.

Takemichi remembered on how he threw up and cried on the bathroom when no one was looking. His heart shattering and his mind slowly falling apart.

Takemichi remembered on how he wandered aimlessly at a random bar in Tokyo and how someone sucked his dick like their life depended on it.

It felt nice.

It good.

It felt fucking great that he could happily die the next day after experiencing that mind-blowing cock sucking from a random prostitute who wore a blue wig and had long, long legs wrapped around his hips and rode on his cock for several rounds and in several creative positions.

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