Vicki and Frankie

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Don't really know what this is but enjoy lol

Vicki POV

I'm sat on the stage watching the others do warm up. I'm scrolling though Instagram when I get a notification of a memory. I have a look. It's a picture of me and my girlfriend, Frankie, before she left and disappeared. She was pronounced dead 3 years ago today. I feel tears welling in my eyes. I really miss her. As I'm sat there crying, Georgia, my understudy, comes and sits next to me. She goes to give me a hug. I don't like hugs. Or any physical contact.

"Get off me. Stop. Get of me!" I shout and thrash around in her grip, trying to get myself out. She doesn't let go. I start crying hysterically. "Stop it. Get off. Leave me alone!" I shout over and over again. She still doesn't let go.

Frankie POV

Today I start my new job. I'm the new guitarist in bat out of hell the musical. I'm so excited. I'm being shown around by the MD when I hear someone shouting and screaming. I recognise the voice. "Who's that shouting?" I ask curiously. "That's Vicki. She plays raven. Someone's probably tried to give her a hug again." He says seamlessly. "Vicki who?" I ask. "Vicki Manser." He says. Vicki! "Can you take me to her?" I ask. He nods "sure but don't try and touch her or she'll flip out." He says. I nod and follow him to the stage. We get there and I see my Vicki sat there with everyone gathered around her, screaming and crying.

I make my way over. "Hey Vicks. Babes it's me. Can I touch you?" I ask. She looks up. "Frankie" she says and immediately jumps into a hug. "You're ok. I've got you." I keep whispering to her. After a while she stops crying. "I thought you were dead. You disappeared." She says to me. "Someone kidnapped me. But I'm ok. I'm back now." I say to her gently.

"I love you so much Frankie." She says.

"I love you too Vicki" I say with a smile on my face.

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