
The next day, after sleeping in Charlie's fluffy bed, Charlie and I drive to school. When we get out of the car, people look at Charlie and smile.

"So, Charlie," I say. "Are you like popular here?"

"No," he bites his lip. "I told people I would be gone for 2 months so tye would miss me more."

"Do you have a lot of friends?"

He shrugs. "A couple."


Charlie introduces me to all the teachers. I already know the answers to a lot of the questions they ask. Apparently so does Charlie because his hand is always up.

At lunch, we sit at a picnic table with a few of these kids with their heads in books. Charlie snaps. "Guys!"

They look up. "Hey Charlie..." one of them says, looking toward me.

"Hey, who's this? Your girlfriend?" The other one says. Charlie and I sit. He stares at the table. I bite my lip.

"Actually," I speak up. "I'm his sister."

Charlie looks at me, pained. I put my hand on his arm. "But your not British."

"No, I grew up in America."

"Then how...?"

"Our dad is American!" Charlie yells, head in hands.

"Kaya, by the way." I hold out my hand to the one I was talking to.

"Brodie." He takes it.

"I'm Bryce. His twin." He thrusts his thumb at Brodie. I nod my head at him.

"Nice to meet you both."

"Don't get any ideas boys." Charlie laughs then looks at me, smiling.

I return the smile.

"Whoa," Bryce says, holding out his hands. "What's going on here?"

Charlie glares at him. "What do you mean, Bryce?" He says it through gritted teeth.

"Uh," his brother butts in. "That whole smile thing?"

"Nothing's happening." I furrow my eyebrows at them. I can't let them suspect something.

"Alrighty, if you say so..."

"Stop, you guys."

"Charlie," I say, putting my hand in his shoulder. "Clam down it was a simple quest--"

"There it is again!" Brodie exclaims, pointing to my hand. I take my hand away.

"Charlie, just tell us what's up." Bryce says, calmly.

"We were practically dating, okay?!"

"You what?!"

"In America! I was living with her best friend and we kissed. It was nothing big." He knows it was, though.

"What about you?" Brodie directs these words at me.

"I have no input."

"Sure you do," Bryce pushes.

I look up from where I was looking at the table, annoyed. "Guys," I say to the twins. "Just let it go, okay. We didn't know we were siblings!"

"You just found out recently?"

"Yeah, yesterday."

"You were still in America?"


"You flew here today or yesterday?"

Charlie looks at them. "Guys, don't interrogate her please."

"Ooh, protective older brother Charlie now?"

"Shut up," Charlie says, quietly.



"Yes," I try to explain to my mom. "They went to England. The agency knows."

"I see. When did he decide this?"


"Why did he leave? And why Kaya?"

"He left because he doesn't like all the drama in America and he took Kaya because they're--"

"He's dating Kaya?! Oh my goodness. Does Mrs. Chimely know?"

"No mom, they're sib--"

"I'm calling her right now." She dials her number on the phone. "Hello, Hayley. Did you know your daughter ran off with her boyfriend to England? Yes, Charlie took her. Wait, what? How... What? Siblings? I'm so sorry. She'll come home soon, Hayley, I promise. Okay. See you soon."

She turns to me. "I tried to tell you," I explain.

"How did you find out?"

"Charlie told me yesterday."





I'm Sorry, CharlieWhere stories live. Discover now