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Lucy's P.O.V

I woke up in a strange place, it wasn't home, nor was it my own bed. I began to look around not wanting to emerge from the place I was laying. It was quite messy here, there were camera stands, lighting equipment, and a few white boards here and there, I didn't really know what they could be for, but I just shrugged it off and sat up. I reached beside me trying to find my phone, but it wasn't there. I looked around, and saw it on a breakfast counter with stools beside it, I did a mental groan, and slouched my way over to the counter.

15 Missed Calls from Mom

20 Messages from Katherine

5 Missed Calls from Katherine

Funny,they needed me sooo bad they just had too call, and yet they didn'y leave any voicemails. Wow. I heard a door open from upstairs, as I was about to call my mother back, I quickly dropped my phone, and ran to the couch. It was the fastest I had ran since gym class, I'm not very athletic, and I hate sports.

The stranger started down the stairs as they turned the corner, I recognized a shirtless familiar face, Johnnie. His hair was ruffled up from sleeping, his eyes still slightly closed, and there was a little trail of drool trickling down the side of his mouth.

"Oh-oh, um, I'm sorry," His cheeks began to flush. "I'll be right back." I kinda just sat there, not really saying anything. Johnnie began to walk back up the stairs, and I swear i could see him almost tripping from being how sleepy he was. Great first impression, dumbass. I smacked my forehead, and sighed. I heard faint yells coming from the upstairs, I quietly crept halfway up the stairs hearing bryan yell made me flinch.

"Well it's not my fault you brought a random stanger you don't know, into my house!" I heard Johnnie stomp from Bryans room and slam what must be his bed room door shut. "Oh, while you're at it Johnnie.." Bryan mumbled. "Kill yourself.."

I crept all the way up the stairs, hearing noises what sounded like faint sobs coming from a room. I gently knocked, and took a step back. No answer. I knocked a bit harder this time. No answer, again. I finally just barged in feeling a bit out of place. Johnnie was sitting on his bed, tears running down his face, and his head in his hands.

"J-Johnnie?" I placed a hand on his back. "Thank you, and uh.." I rubbed the napy of my neck. "If y-you ever wanna talk I'm here." I took his green iPhone from the stand and pressed the home button, seeing it was locked, I handed it to him so he could unlock it. He handed it back to me with a sniffle, and I typed my number into his contacts.

"I know you were on the stairs." He blurted. "You were sitting on the stairs hearing Bryan and I fight."

I nodded. "I-I'm sorry, I just heard yelling, and I just.. I was being nosey, I'm sorry." He put an arm around me. "Y-you're fine." He sniffled.

"Now about me getting here. How did I exactly?" I looked to him, his deep blue eys staring back at me.



Alright hi guys, this chapter might not be as good as the first because I mean, hell, Bailey is great at writing and I'm an amateur, but it's all good. But I hope you enjoyed the second chapter of our collab fanfiction. I'm really excited we are writing this, and yeah. I hope y'all stay with us. <3


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