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Lucy's P.O.V

"How did I get here?" I knew the answer, I just wanted to see what he would tell me.

"Well, I mean I found you outside in the rain, you seemed pretty terrified of the storm , and I would have felt like a piece of shit if I hadn't offered to bring you here."

"And so now Bryan's mad at you? I'm sorry, it was my fault." I feel kinda bad for getting him in trouble with Bryan. I'm just the source of all problems.

"No, it's definitely not your fault, you can't help being afraid of storms. Bryan is Bryan, he gets mad over like everything, but he'll be over it in a little while, and we'll make up. Don't worry about it," He smiled up at me. He is seriously so damn cute.

"I'm sorry for being so like, touchy feely while we walked over here. I was just really scared and.. I guess I wasn't really thinking clearly." My cheeks heated a little when I thought about the way that we had walked last night.

"No, you're totally fine. I completely understand about being scared and shit." He replied, checking his phone for the time. I glanced down too. I should probably go, my mother is going to kill me for missing Ellie's party thing AND leaving the house overnight. Dammit.

"Uh, I should probably go.... My parents are going to be, well, mad to say the least." I said looking down at the ground and rubbing my arm.

"I could walk you home or something. I mean, only if you want me to." He said looking over at me again. My cheeks heated up.

"It's like a 30 minute walk from here, are you sure you wouldn't mind?"

"No seriously, it's fine. I should probably give Bryan some time to cool off anyway. Ya know? Let me just grab some shoes, and we can leave whenever you're ready."

"O-okay. Cool..." I said and turned to walk out of his room. I was walking past Bryan's room when he opened the door and dragged me inside.

"What the hell man?" I said just loud enough for him to hear.

"Look, I know that you heard Johnnie and I's argument earlier, and I just wanted to apologize. I didn't really know that whole story at first, and when he explained it, I didn't want to admit that I was wrong. I don't want you to feel like any of this was your fault, because it wasn't. Me and Johnnie will be cool, don't worry, It'll blow over. I just wanted to apologize for sounding kinda like a dick." Damn, I wasn't expecting that.

"Thanks Bryan, but I'm not exactly the person you should be apologizing to. Though I do appreciate the confirmation that it wasn't my fault, I didn't quite believe Johnnie when he told me." I replied looking up at him. Jesus he's tall.

I walked out of his room and headed downstairs to grab my phone and put my shoes on. My mom was calling. Again. I picked up my phone and hit 'answer'.


"Who the hell do you think that you are?! Not only did you not clean the mess up in the kitchen, but you skipped Aunt Ellie's birthday, and left the house overnight. What the hell is wrong with you. You can't just go around doing whatever you please and think that there are no consequences to your actions. You're father is waiting. Get home immediately!!!!" And with that, the line went dead.

Jesus Christ Lucy, you just cause trouble for everyone, you're such a bother.

"Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god. She hasn't gotten dad involved in years.." I muttered to myself. Calm down, just calm down. Maybe it won't be so bad this time. I threw my phone down onto the couch. "Damn."

I was putting my shoes on when Johnnie emerged from upstairs and plopped down on the couch beside me. "You okay?" He asked. I just nodded my head and I tied my shoe laces. I kinda stared at my feet for a moment or so, not wanting to go back home. With a sigh, I stood up.

"I am ready for the journey to my place of residence!" I announced, and Johnnie stood up as well, laughing. I pointed to the door, "Onward!" I yelled, and we both set out on our small little journey.


As we neared my house, a sudden wave of dread hit me. I stopped in my tracks, not wanting to advance. Johnnie noticed and stopped as well, looking back at me. "Are you okay, Lucy?" He asked, suddenly getting worried. I though for a moment, not wanting to tell him what was actually going through my mind.

"What? Yea! Yea, I'm fine, I'm just thinking about something." I replied. I wasn't lying, there was just zero detail. He still looked a bit worried. I walked up to him and looked him in the eyes, "Dude, I'm fine." I smiled up at him. He slightly smiled back and looked ahead as we started to walk again.

"How close are we? Because you said 30 minutes, and it has been," he looked down and checked the time on his phone, "35 minutes." He emphasized the five. Throwing his hands up in the air he yelled "You fucking liar!"

"Oh my god my house is like right there," I said pointing three houses up from where we were at. "I was like five minutes off. You are such a drama queen." I laughed. He put his hand over his heart and made himself look very offended.

"That is drama king to you!" He stated, hand still over his heart.

We walked up to my house, and before I could knock on the door, my father jerked it opened.

"Lucy where the fuck have you been? You didn't clean the mess in the kitchen, and you missed Ellie's birthday." He boomed at me. "And who is that faggot you're with?" He gestured to Johnnie and gave us both a stern look.

"Dad! This is Johnnie, and he is not a faggot okay. I left because Kat framed me for breaking the vase, and mom was screaming at me for it. Johnnie got me out of that storm we had last night, and I stayed the night at his house because I wasn't going to walk home in the dark." I said back to him. Mistake.

"Don't fucking lie to me. You need to stop blaming your mistakes on Katherine and Josiah. You are a disgrace. Where did you really meet this boy, a bar. Where did you get a fake ID from? One of your delinquent friends? I bet you guys hooked up too. If you get your ass pregnant I will kick you out of this house do I make myself clear?"

"Dad I'm not lying!" I yelled back. "I'm telling you the-"

"Don't talk back to me!" He yelled and smacked me across the face. I glanced over at Johnnie, who looked like he was going to pass out. "You need to be punished." Dad grabbed my arm and jerked me inside the house, slamming the door in Johnnie's face. I knew what was coming.

He didn't even bother to take me to his room. He threw me over the side of the table by the door and jerked my pants down. He pulled his pants down as well and tightened his grip on me. "Dad. Stop!" I yelled. He smacked me again and told me to be quiet. I obeyed, I knew that it was no use. 

Johnnie's P.O.V

The closest I've been to a girl in a long time. A cute one at that. But there's no way it could turn into anything more. I'm afraid to fall in love.


Okay, sorry for taking a couple of days to update. I've just been really busy with school trying to bring my grades up. The only time I really have to write is the middle of the night. (Like right now its like 01:51) Anyway, I hope you like this chapter. And as always, please vote comment, and of course follow us! New chapter coming soon!


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