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Nervousness feels like a combination of anxiety, dread, and excitement all at once. Your palms may get sweaty, your heart rate may increase, and you may feel that fluttery nervous stomach feeling. Yoongi hates it but also doesn't. He likes the feeling of excitement that circulates through his veins and his heartbeat which is a little bit faster than normal.

On the other hand, he hates it, hates himself for being there, and most of all he hates himself for agreeing to go on a 'date' or whatever with Jimin.

After that one night where Yoongi took Jimin home in his car and they exchanged numbers, the younger boy texts him at least once a day, checking up on him and making sure he and his injury are recovering and doing well. Although Yoongi hates getting a lot of messages, he can't be annoyed at Jimin. It's honestly just cute. It's become a habit, too.

It continued like this until Jimin asked to meet him again, even calling him to ask in person. The moment is perfectly engraved in Yoongi's mind and his heart beats faster when he thinks back to how shy Jimin was, nervously asking him to meet up. How could he say no to that?

On one hand, Yoongi knows that it's not good what he's doing. Jimin is starting to like him, maybe see him as a friend and even worse; Yoongi begins to like him as well. This shouldn't be happening. He should stop this, stop seeing him, cut all ties with him and leave him alone. He's only going to put him at risk.

And even though Yoongi knows all of this, he finds himself unable to do the right thing. Jimin makes Yoongi feel different, he makes him feel normal, appreciated and most of all, alive. The only way for Yoongi to be himself and for once enjoy little things, like listening to the birds singing or the way the sun tickles on your bare skin, is with Jimin.

"Yoongi-Hyung!", a soft, but sweet voice pierces through the comfortable silence and snaps the mafia leader back to reality. He turns and spots the younger male running up to him, wearing one of the biggest smiles on his face he's ever seen on someone.

"Hi Jimin.", Yoongi says when Jimin stops right in front of him, not realizing that Jimin's heart skips a beat. The way Yoongi pronounces his name, makes him feel giddy inside. "Where would you like to go?", Jimin asks casually, gently taking Yoongi's hand into his own. Yoongi freezes for a couple of seconds before he relaxes slightly and shrugs.

Honestly, Jimin thought that he'd crossed a line with that, because Yoongi doesn't seem to be a fan of touch, but when he feels the older male relaxing, Jimin's relieved and his heart skips another beat.

"I don't care, I'm not familiar with this area.", Yoongi responds, eyes carefully darting around in the street. "There's a small park not too far from here. It's idyllic.", Jimin suggests sweetly, smiling again because he's just feeling so excited to spend the day with Yoongi. "Let's go there then.", the mafia leader says in response and releases a quiet sigh. Jimin nods and starts walking, gently dragging Yoongi along with him.

It's silent for a few moments until Yoongi groans quietly, sudden pain surging through his body which almost causes him to collapse. It's his tummy, especially the area where he got stabbed.

"Shit-", Yoongi curses silently and lets himself drop to his knees, letting another groan go past his lips. "Yoongi!", Jimin shrieks anxiously and immediately wraps his arms around the older male, crouching down beside him. "What's wrong? What happened? Is it your wound? Talk to me!", Jimin murmurs anxiously, rubbing over Yoongi's back, desperately wanting to comfort and ease his pain.

Yoongi bites his lip and lifts his sweater, the movement sending another wave of pain through his body. "Oh, okay, take a deep breath. Let me look at it.", Jimin says quickly, gently helping Yoongi to lay on the ground in the middle of a sideway. All Yoongi can do is nod softly, eyes screwed shut.

𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 | 𝐲.𝐦.Where stories live. Discover now