009. ❛ papa miguel ❜

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When I first found out about my fathers sickness, I was 10

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When I first found out about my fathers sickness, I was 10. And I didn't take it too well.

I always had a feeling something was always wrong with him, but I just hoped it wasn't too bad. But then, as I thought he was getting better... He was getting allot worse.

His name was Miguel Delos-Angeles, our last name sort of meant angels. He was born and raised in Encanto, Colombia.

He was a only child, and had his mom and dad. But his mother died when he was 13. Ever since then, his father became distant. So he mostly lived on his own.

He was always close with his mother. Total mamas boy. They were a happy little family...

He was a wanderer too. And loved little adventures everywhere. He was there when the Madrigals family all came to be.

He was best friends with Felix before they met their lovers. It was perfect, Pepa and Delilah were best friends and so was Felix and Miguel.

When Gael was born he was terrified. He didn't want to end up like his father and fully ignoring his child. So he wanted to wait a litte till they had there next one. Me.

Rosa Moon Delos-Angeles.

I was named after what my father would call mi madre. He would call her my beautiful rose.

Then, my middle name was the thing that brought them together. My parents were complete opposites. Momma was a outgoing and bossy girl, that loved everything extravaganza! That's why her and Pepa, got along so well.

My father was someone who kept to himself mostly. But mom was someone who pushed him into out of his comfort zone.

My middle name, Moon came from what both my parents loved. Every night they would find themselves on top of their roofs, watching the moon and stars. It was something they both perfectly bonded together with.

He would sing me this song... It was a song that put me to sleep, or a song he would sing to me when I was sad. I've still mesmerized it to this day.

He always wore at least one peice of clothing that's tan- pants, vest, shirt, and morea. And had a light gold brown complexion and dark hazel eyes. Then, his hair it was a fiery brownish red, with some small wavy curls. Then, he was built skinnier and tall, but with broad shoulders and confident stride. I was always told I looked so much like him, out of all my siblings but of course my brothers got his height.


My eyes opened and I stood in a room. I saw both my parents. My mother was sweating and was a little tireda, father sitting beside her on the bed, holding a little baby girl. The little baby had a allot of hair for a first born.

Delilah looked up at Miguel with a smile, and pressed a small kiss on his cheek. "That's a beautiful name"

"Of course it is, it's a name after my beautiful rose" He says, pressing a kiss on her lips- there eyes softly closed.

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