𝐎𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚.

440 14 103

Obra Maestra -
A masterpiece. The most outstanding work of an artist.

"Big Q?" Tommy Said out loud with the amount of bravery only he could muster. The Vice President jumped and turned around. "TOMMY?" He yelled before slapping his hand on to his mouth. "What are you doing here." He said, in a completely different tone from before.

He sounded hopeful, but now he sounded stern and angry. "I was uh, looking for something." Tommy replied, saying the first thing that came into mind. Immediately Quackity didn't believe Tommy and wondered if it had anything to do with Wilbur Soot. Nevertheless, Alex shook it off and pretended to believe it. "Big Q, I was wondering-" Tommy then said. Just as he said that Quackity spoke up. "Tommy, Can I-"

Tommy and Quackity both awkwardly laughed. "Listen, I want to join Pogtopia." He mumbled as if he was afraid somebody might hear. "Aye, I was just about to ask if you'd join Pogtopia!" Tommy happily exclaimed. He was on a roll, Tommy got Quackity to side with him and didn't even have to assassinate the president.

"Really?" The noirette laughed. The blond smiled. "In fact, let's go there!"


As soon as they entered the dark caves of Pogtopia, Quackity felt a wave of comfort wash over him. It was different when he was in what once was L'manburg. He felt nothing but despair in Manburg. But in Pogtopia, he suddenly felt some shining light of hope in his heart.

"Here!" Tommy said in a friendly manner as the noirette followed him.

The steep caves. The darkness, with hanging lanterns. The place looked like a dream. Despite the place seeming pleasant, Alex sensed a bit of sadness in the area.

"Wilbur!" Tommy smiled. And then he saw him.

The man he considered his worse enemy. The man who tried to use him only for his votes which is what led to him for collaborating with Schlatt.

Wilbur's chocolate brown hair curled and part of it fell near his nose. It bounced at every movement he made. He wore a yellow sweater with a white collar sticking out of it, and a long brown trench coat worn over it. The trench coat looked slightly musty and soot covered.

He was sitting calmly in the corner of the place (😭), his head in his hands, eyes closed.

Wilbur himself looked like a man who's divorced and is in middle age crisis who runs a drug caravan with his brother who had just tried to kill one of the most powerful figures on the smp. (Well that was oddly specific).

Wilbur looked pale and sick. And he didn't seem to even notice the existence of his younger brother and the now ex-vice-president.

He was mumbling something, about blowing up some place. Alex didn't need to hear the ravings of a lunatic so he awkwardly stared at Tommy who looked back with the same amount of awkwardness only a fish at the nether would feel.

"Er, Wilbur?" Tommy said again, breaking the loud silence. Wilbur ignored him. Or just didn't hear him as he was too deep into his delusional fantasies.

"OI, WILBUR SOOT!" Quackity nearly screamed, his voice echoing around the caves making both Tommy AND Wilbur jump in surprise.

Wilbur finally looked up and saw the noirette, his black and slightly broken sunglasses hiding a purple bruise on his eye, his slightly torn suit, loosened tie and LAFD beanie.

"Quackity?" Wilbur began but Tommy interrupted. The blond glared at the brunet. "Wilbur, I did what you asked!!" He yelled. Wilbur stared at Tommy in surprise but slight annoyance. "Yeah? You finally did something?" He snapped.

Wilbur seemed to be in a bad mood. He never treated his own brother this way until they were exiled. His mental health made a major dive below the deep ocean.

Tommy sadly turned away. He left, possibly going to find Tubbo.

"You're being a bit of a dick, Wilbur." Quackity mumbled which made Wilbur get up. "Excuse me?" He snapped, slamming Quackity against the stone walls. He grabbed Quackity's collar and shook the poor man aggressively, making his broken sunglasses fall off revealing his bruised eye and bleeding nose. Wilbur seemed surprised but said nothing. Instead, he loosened his grip on the shorter man in slight sympathy only for Alex to switch places, now the noirette was the one in control but it must've looked funny. Cornering a man at least a head taller than you.

Tommy and Tubbo just walked out of a room only to see this scene. "EW, ARE YOU TWO KISSING?" He screamed, dragging Tubbo away with him.(reference to what happened in las nevadas lore lmao). It was typical for Tommy to say that, whenever he saw people kissing, no matter who they were, he'd be disgusted.

This made the brunet and noirette flush red. They let go of each other and split apart. "So. How've you been...?" The fallen leader awkwardly asked, trying to be friendly. "Just fine." Alex replied sarcastically.

Wilbur and Alex began speaking, they had a rather intimate conversation. They barely talked to each other, especially during the presidential election which is what severed their relationship in the first place.

Wilbur then mentioned his "masterpiece" which was the plan on blowing it up. His Obra Maestra.

"You're going to just- blow it up?" Quackity replied startled. Wilbur looked like a maniac. "Schlatt ruined it anyway."

After that no matter what the two talked about it always led to some debate- which is just a friendlier term for "Argument"

"But I'm sure get they'll along just fine.


Word count: 918

Idk why but Pogtopia reminds me of fairy lights lol so that was the cover of this chapter. I haven't checked I've this so there might be some mistakes :')

How are you? I hope your day has been fine! :D Remember to drink water and eat food! Take care of yourself! -Sky

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