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The next few days were hell for us as Juice and I worked to update the garage as quickly as we could so that he would be freed up to work on cars. Rosen called every time he got an update on our guys. There wasn't much. We kind of just had to wait it out. That was the worst part was the constant working and waiting. I felt like we were going to be trapped in this cycle forever.

Luckily after about four days of Juice and I working 18 hours straight we got the garage office updated and all of the paper records were now automated. That made our lives significantly easier and we were both freed up to help out in the garage itself. I usually had to hand the guys tools or deal with the Karens who needed oil changes but didn't want to wait at the garage while Sack or Ope did it. I didn't know as much about working on cars as the guys, and Lowell was the only one willing to explain things to me. I knew it was because he wasn't stressed like the rest of the guys.

The next day we got word our guys were being released on bail. Juice and Ope rode out to pick them up while Piney drove the van. That left Koz and Sack on tows and repos and Lowell in the garage. I worked the office, answering phone calls and booking appointments all day.

When our guys returned to the lot, I was so beyond happy to see them all. We had about two weeks until their hearing where they would all pleaded guilty and have to serve 14 months.

"Hey baby," Happy said as he walked up to me. I threw my arms around his neck tightly and he returned the hug.

"I've missed you," I said.

"Thought I was just a good fuck," He said.

"You are. Why do you think I miss you?"

He smirked a little and Tig came over to hug me.

"You need to patch Koz. Club can't do shit without him," I said. He nodded. He wasn't going to do it though. "Then at least patch Sack."

"We need to call you Mind Reader and not Houdini," he said. He kissed my head before going to get his dick sucked by whichever croweater was here.

"Elvis, you took care of our guys, right?"

"Always have Princess," he said. I hugged him before returning to Happy. He had been watching me the whole time.

"I want you to help take care of Ma while I'm inside. I trust Koz and Quinn to provide but I need to know someone cares," Happy said.

I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Of course I will Hap."

"I want to give you my crow," he said.

"Hap," I said. "We're not even dating."

"We could be though," he said.

"We need to take that up with Opie and Jax. I don't know how this works with the club," I said. He agreed and dragged me inside. Apparently we were doing this right now. He stopped directly in front of the two.

"I'm making her my old lady," he said. It wasn't a question but a demand for the other two to agree with him.

"Okay," Jax said. "And this matters because." He trailed off a bit.

"I've worked too hard and waited too long for this prospect kutte for it to all go down the drain over becoming an old lady too," I said.

"You wanna be his old lady?" Opie asked. I nodded and smiled brightly.

"Then it's done," Jax said. "Get his crow we don't care."

"We're going to Bakersfield tomorrow. Gonna introduce her to Ma so she can take care of her while I'm inside."

They both nodded and Happy wrapped me up in his arms, carrying me to our dorm room.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now