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"Houdini, get in here," Opie yelled from the chapel. I glanced at Phil nervously before heading to the doors of chapel and opening them.

"You called?" I asked. Opie nodded and motioned for me to shut the door.

"Take your kutte off," Piney said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Your time as a prospect is up," Opie said.

"Up as in I patched or up as in I'm done," I said.

"Just take the damn kutte off," Piney said. I slid my arms out of my kutte and Kozik was quick to snatch it out of my hands.

"What's going on?" I asked. All four of them looked pissed at the world.

"You've done a lot as a prospect in the last year," Opie said. "Hell before that you did time for the club. Club bylaws technically state you need to be a man to be a son."

"I've worked my ass off. I was shot for this club," I said.

"Don't interrupt me," Opie said. "Because you were shot which is more than most guys who sit at this table can say. So, how about we upgrade those patches?"

Opie held a set of Redwood Original patches out to me and I smiled.


"Did you honestly think you wouldn't patch?" Half-Sack asked. He's matured a lot in his first 10 months with his full patch.

"She knew she would. Look at her. Can kick any mans ass without a second though," Piney said.

"Hell yeah," I said.

"Edith, normally, we'd have a patch in party, but we figure it won't be much of a party without the guys that are inside so we're going to wait until then," Opie said. I agreed and he dismissed church. I took my patches and my kutte and headed out to the bar, grabbing a beer and the sewing kit before disappearing to Hap's dorm.

I really wanted to ride out tomorrow morning and tell him, but I still wasn't on his visitors list, and he hasn't called yet so I wasn't going to go. He'd contact me when he calmed down.

There was a knock on the door so I yelled for whoever it was to come in as I looked up from my seat on the bed.

"I'm proud of you kid," Opie said.

"Thanks man," I said.

"Don't thank me. You're the one who did all sorts of bullshit to get those patches," he said. "All the guys wanted you in. Even Hap. He had this proud look on his face because his old lady was going to be the first female Son."

I chuckled a bit and nodded as I relaxed my hands. They were starting to cramp from the sewing.

"That's good. Is he still pissed at me?"

"I don't know that. He did ask how you were doing," he said.

"Well I guess that's a good start," I said. "Just wish he'd put me back on the damn list."

"It'll be okay. They're out in a month," he said.

"Yeah I know," I said.

"Hey, we have a bit of a problem too," he said. "Tara's gone to see Jax a few times. Trying to win him back."

"He loves her. Won't be a problem or a competition or nothin," I said. "Good luck getting him away from her."

He nodded a bit. "Just trying not to hold it against her how crushed he was when she left."

"I know that feeling," I said.

Opie said his goodnight and left to head home to his wife. I finished up with my kutte before laying down and trying to relax.

Even though things are going smoothly there's still plenty of change that we don't know where it lands yet. Hell, even Charming PD disbanded a few months back and now we've got this Sheriff Roosevelt whose like some hotshot in the gang department.

I tried not to think about it and instead focused on the fact that I'd actually patched in.

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