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Church was a breeze. It was just catching the guys up and getting them paid. We didn't have too much beyond that to talk about.

"Tonight welcome home and patch in for Houdini," Opie said. "Get the word out. Prospects have already started on food and drinks. And Houdini, you get a fight."

"Huh?" I looked up at Opie. "I get a fight?"

"Every brother gets to pick their fight for patch in party," he said. "Who do you want in the ring?"

"I'll think about it and get back to ya," I said. He nodded. I wanted to take someone who would actually fight with me. Hap, Opie, hell even Jax would just let me swing for a bit. Sack and I could go for a few rounds in the ring. But I've fought him and that seems like a wimpy choice. Tig would be a good option. I'm not sure if he'd actually swing on me though.

It took a good hour to fill everyone in and we were dismissed for the afternoon before the party tonight.

"I'm gonna call Ma," Happy said. I nodded and he kissed my cheek before disappearing outside.

"Who's is gonna be Houdini?" Jax asked.

"Thinking maybe Tig. I could use someone who'll actually swing back and Tig and Half Sack seem like the only two who would. I've kicked Sack's ass once."

"Tig would. You could also take Miles or V-Lin," Opie said.

"Miles could use a good ass kicking," Jax said as we watched the prospects work. I chuckled at that.

"We get the word out to TAC or Indian Hills to ride in for the party?"

"Nah," Opie said. "We should though. Celebrate the first female patch."

"How do you think that'll go?" I asked.

"Uncle Jury knows you're solid," Jax said.

"And Hap will convince Tacoma."

I nodded at my brother and excused myself I had a party to get ready for.

As I was walking out, Happy was walking in.

"I'm gonna fight Miles tonight," I said. He nodded and kissed my lips. "Going to Pop's house to get ready. I'll see ya later."

"Got time in your getting ready routine for a good fuck?"

I laughed a bit. "Aren't you supposed to not fuck before a fight? Besides, you can take Tiggy to the ring and we can fuck on that adrenaline high."

He grunted earning a soft giggle from me.

"I'm going to fuck you into the mattress all night. It's not gonna be nice."

"I would hope not," I said. "Cause I'm looking forward to it. Besides, if I can't handle ya, I'll pawn you off on a croweater."

I tried to walk away but he grabbed my waist and pulled my back into his chest. He kissed the side of my neck before biting down a bit and leaving a hickey.

"I don't want a fucking croweater," he said. "Don't joke about that shit."

"Relax," I said. "Besides you're the one dating someone else with a patch."

He grunted and I slipped from his arms, sprinting off towards my bike. He was glaring at me but I blew him a kiss as I put my helmet on. I sped off towards my father's house, ready to finally get to party as a Son.

I spent the next few hours getting ready. I showered and Dutch braided my hair into two braids. I got dressed in a sports bra and some black denim shorts. They still gave me plenty of flexibility to fight in. I knew I needed to throw a shirt on but I couldn't decide on one just yet so I stood in the bathroom doing a small touch of makeup before returning to my bedroom and digging for a shirt. I finally found a Harley Davidson tank top from high school and slid it on. It looked pretty good. I pulled my riding boots back onto my feet and did a couple of turns in my mirror to make sure I looked perfect.

I slid my kutte back on as I walked down the hall. My father was passed out in the living room.

"Pops," I yelled. He woke up with a bit of a jump. "My patch in and the welcome home party."

He just nodded. "Go on ahead. I'll be down."

I kissed his cheek and returned to my bike, heading to the lot before it could fill up too quickly.

Houdini || A Happy Lowman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now