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Rabbit whispered. “I know you.”

Cloud Chief replied. ” Yes. I recognize you as well. My Wei Ying,”

“My Lan Zhan… We both chose to forget this time.”

“That didn’t last long.”

“No. I suppose it did not.”

They grinned at each other. Happy and content, filled with love and severely unrequited passion. As they calmed, their eyes returned to their new colors, and they concentrated on suppressing their original personas as much as they could. This life belonged to Rabbit abs Cloud Chief and must be experienced as them, whatever may come. The silver and gold would have to wait until the wedding night. Their new culture forbade pre-marital sex, and they were here to learn lessons…perhaps restraint? No, no, that would be going too far…

But one had varied rules in each different culture and in Cheyenne culture, tradition must be adhered to. Marriage first. Every day means every day would have to come later.

In lieu of parents, it was decided that Chief Soaring Hawk, in the mother’s role for Cloud Chief, would approach Running Deer who would stand in the Mother’s place for Rabbit. Once a bride’s gift was agreed upon, the gift would be handed over by Chief Soaring Hawk as the father for Cloud Chief to Red Arrows as the father for Rabbit. Confused, but compliant as always when it came to his brother’s happiness, Chief Soaring Hawk agreed to the double duty.

He dressed impeccably for the meeting, nervous as any elder brother at the mere age of twenty-two would be. He was greeted kindly, and the approach was made.

“I have noticed that Rabbit Who Plays Flute has grown into a lovely Maiden. An accomplished and respected Two-Spirit. “

“Yes he has, Chief Soaring Hawk. He is also a devoted and big-hearted member of our family. Always attentive, cheerful.”

“Perhaps you have seen my brother, Cloud, Chief,  since he has rejoined our tribe. He is such a brave young man. A fine leader, warrior, and hunter. He is seeking a mate and has noticed your Rabbit around camp.”

“I believe Rabbit has noticed him as well. But he is young and may not be comfortable leaving home just yet. Because of his youth, he should seek a good provider. Someone with patience,  who can appreciate his talents,”

“My brother only has the highest respect for Rabbit Who Plays Flute and I also value his abilities and cheerful nature. We recognize the concern and as a family, we wish to offer a bridal gift in the form of several horses.”

“Oh, we could not bear to part with our Rabbit. His talents lend us such honor.”

“We would offer 8 mares.”

“A gracious offer but his value is extraordinary. Twenty horses, five of which are stallions.”

“Ten mares and one stallion.”

“16  horses.  3 of which are stallions.”

“13 horses, to include 3 stallions. And twenty fine laying hens.”



Afterward, the betrothed met out of the way of prying eyes, the kisses becoming desperate and the celibacy more of a burden. They felt the strain and as Cloud Chief became more frustrated and Rabbit struggled to retain his maidenhood, they yearned for the days that Wei Ying and Lan Zhan had simply bowed three times and got quickly on to the business of deflowering one another.

“My family watches me like a hawk these days.”

“Brother’s hints at restraint are driving me to madness. The next few weeks until preparations are complete will be sheer torment. I wish the memories had stayed away until our first night together.”

“A test from the Gods. It must be a test. Aiyee. The knowing of what will come makes the anticipation unbearable.”

Another kiss…another groan of sheer desperation. “This is all your fault, Temptress. Your flute. Your dance.”

And you? Dancing like an arrogant peacock, losing your mind. By the way. How many years has it been? And this is the first lifetime I have ever seen you dance!”

Cloud Chief blushed, turning a darker shade of antique copper. “Was I horrible?”

“You were magnificent.”

The next day, Cloud Chief, dressed in his finest clothes and his war bonnet, walked past the home of Rabbit and his cousins. Several times. He was there to “accidentally” cross paths with his beloved, hoping to catch the Maiden’s notice and not face rejection. He knew there would be none, but nevertheless, his palms were sweaty and the eyes of the entire village were trained on the small path in front of the wigwam. The door was pulled aside and Rabbit emerged, looking lovely in a pretty dress made from many panels of flowered calico, and she wore a beaded necklace that matched his headband. Cloud Chief’s heart soared with pride and hope. Rabbit gazed at him with those brilliant black eyes for a second before he lowered his lids demurely. Then he walked straight to the tall leader and nodded a greeting.

” Good Morning, Cloud Chief. It is a lovely day, isn’t it?”

Cloud Chief cleared his throat and said, “Yes. The sun is warm today. I am trying to relearn my old village. Would you be willing to show me around?”

Rabbit blushed charmingly. “Yes. I have some time before the ladies join me in the workshop.”

Cloud Chief breathed in relief. He had not been publicly rejected and was now officially able to begin his first small steps in courting Rabbit. The people watched, smiles on their faces, as their treasured Two-Spirit accepted his warrior as his lover. It was a perfect match, and they sighed in relief. Rabbit had chosen one of their own and would continue to bring good fortune to the tribe.

Later that day, Chief Soaring Hawk gathered the bridal gifts. Each horse was decorated in brightly colored bridles and finely woven blankets, and brushed until their hair was shining in the sunlight. The hens squawked loudly as they were placed into several painted cages and loaded on a travois that was dragged behind the last horse. The parade ended in front of Rabbit’s teepee and the reins of the lead horse were placed into Red Sleeves’ hand. She nodded to the Elder Chief, mounted in one powerful movement, and led these train of horses to the corral behind the row of teepees, then joined the others for refreshments. The transaction was completed, and the betrothal was made official.

The pair met privately that afternoon, as the sun began to lower towards the treetops, mouths seeking each other hungrily. Rabbit laid his head on Cloud Chief’s broad chest, listening to the heart that had beat for too many lifetimes to count, just for him. Ir was his one true home, that heart and, the strong arms that sheltered and protected him.

Cloud Chief looked at Rabbit as if he could ravish him on the spot. Rabbit groaned. “Stop looking at me like that. I cannot stand that look, It makes me desperate for you, my love. I want you now, in the worst kind of way.”

“Then, do not speak like that. It weakens every resolve I have.”

“Two months. Two long, horrible months.”

“Should we just bow to the Gods and do what we want?”

Sigh. “No. That was another time. We must do things the way we are now.’

Their lips met again, and they pressed their bodies hungrily together, feeling the hot hardness of one another. It was unbearably sweet and difficult to control, Rabbit drew a shaky breath and said, “I claim the river first. You head back to the village for a while.”

They drew reluctantly apart until just their fingertips touched, then suddenly Cloud Chief disappeared down the trail.

Warpath: A WangXian Reincarnation StoryWhere stories live. Discover now