Scouting Party

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Owl Who Flies Silently sat high in a tree above a new and suspicious trail she had discovered. She had reported it to nobody, except Chief Soaring Hawk, several days ago. He had then assigned her to observe the area for anything unusual. She was a master at camouflage, so good that she was undetectable. Deciding on a bird's eye view, she climbed as high as she could to the top of a tall, sturdy pine and nestled in, perfectly blending in the buckskins died in greens, grays, and browns. The new trail was dangerously close to where the tribe's bathing pool was and too close, therefore, to camp.

Her first night there was uneventful, except for her amused observations of two errant lovers. Rabbit and Cloud Chief had silently crept by from the direction of camp and began to snuggle under a large hickory tree. She had to stifle her laughter as they quietly made out for a good hour before they parted, Rabbit for the camp and Cloud Chief, to ease his torment, into the cool water of the river. In her time as a spy on other Nations for Soaring Hawk, she was privy to many of the assignations of tribe members, and these she never reported. What people did in the darkness of night was their own business.

This night was different. After 6 hours, a faint movement caught her attention and her eyes discerned five figures making their way down this new trail. They were not from camp and wore the apparel and paint that belonged to the Crow Nation.  She let them pass and counted to 20 then gave a soft hoot into the night air as she descended. Almost immediately, ten warriors headed by Red Arrows surrounded her. She pointed silently in the direction of the Crow Scouts and held up 5 fingers. They followed, and she returned to report to Soaring Hawk. 

They waited until dawn and smoked Soaring Hawk's finer Virginia tobacco. He saved it for honored guests and his cousin, born a mere 2 days ahead of him, was a close companion. While not a Two-spirit, she was a fierce fighter and no one tracked better. She had no children and her husband had been killed in an earlier skirmish with the Crow, so both hearts were elated when the dawning sun was ushered in by war whoops as the tracking party returned. They carried five scalps, two hanging from Red Arrows' belt. They also lay the vanquished Crows' weapons at Soaring Hawk's feet.

The camp was on high alert. These Crow had been in the area for several days, long enough to have begun a rudimentary trail. This was not playing or training, and it indicated that they were planning something huge. They would soon be missed, probably within a week. A decision was needed. Stay and fight, or head for a different location. He required his best to be at their best. It was vital at this point.

Soaring Hawk decided to hold the meeting with Fire Walking Woman right away. No time for the sweat lodge, this must happen immediately. The Four needed to be awakened to their full potential, and now was the time. After dark, he left Owl Who Flies Silently in charge of defenses and called them to Fire Walking Woman’s tent. They arrived, puzzled and concerned.

As they sat cross-legged around her fire, all eyes went to Soaring Hawk. “We are under attack. The Crow Nation sent a party onto our lands to scout us, and they will strike us in the near future. Their party will not return, and they will realize they are dead. They out-number us two to one and covet our hunting grounds, the fields we cultivate, and three of you in this teepee. The Two-Spirit magic is gone from their camp. Two generations and none have been born to them. And if they cannot breed one, they will try and take ours.”

“They will not have them, Brother,” Said Cloud Chief in a steely voice. Rabbit slipped his hand into Cloud Chief’s, seeking reassurance. Running Deer slid closer to Red Arrows with a slight tremor of fear, and her mate tucked her in a protective embrace. 

Fire Walking Woman looked gravely at them.

“Soaring Hawk and I have been watching all of you for most of your lives. We have watched as your love for your partners was discovered and how it grew. Yours are not ordinary couplings. They are deep and complex. “

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