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Just checked about the theoretical free shipping. As I expected, it doesn't apply to international shipping. Shipping is about $21 (YIKES! Then again this is international shipping, so that makes sense.)

I think I'm accusing gonna buy the shirt. Cute as the skirt is, I think I'd get more use out of the shirt, and it's slightly cheaper.

The shirt and shipping is 6350 yen which is $55.10. That's only a bit more expensive than the textbook I had to buy for one of my classes yesterday.

I just bought it! It gave the option of what day and time range to have it delivered, so I picked February 9 (a Wednesday) at around 12:00-14:00. An average time of day in the middle of the week, in case there's some kind of delay.
(Actually now that I think about it, I might have messed up the time range I picked because the time ranges they listed are more than likely in Japan's time zone, not mine. 12:00-14:00 in the afternoon in that time zone is about 10PM-12AM for me. I didn't plan that through...)

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