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goddamn it.

he lost.

"thank god." aether sighed in relief as he leaned back on the sofa, venti was cheering, smiling oh-so-brightly on the side and kazuha was drinking from a water bottle. "why did i even agree to this..." xiao groaned as he ran a hand through his hair, frustrated that he lost the bet.

what was the bet? well, venti suggested that whoever messes up during a dance practice, they have to accept a dare from the other members, it may sound dumb, yes, but it all was just for fun and laughs. 

"oh xiao.." venti singsonged, "just tell me the dare so we can get over this." xiao shooed venti away, who was grinning at him like a madman, before proceeding to lay down on the long sofa, arm on his face. 

whispers and gasps (mostly from venti) were heard as xiao relaxed himself on the sofa, they had just finished practicing a few songs for the upcoming inkigayo his band, 4nemo will be attending in 2 weeks. 

4nemo doesn't really attend music shows often, mainly because they're already famous enough and their schedules are always packed with tours, fansigns, interviews, and other things what most popular idols do. 

"alright! we have decided!" venti exclaimed as he clasped his hands together, xiao let out a soft hum, indicating that he was listening, "come on, stop being a boring dude, get your ass up!" he took xiao's arm and basically forced him to sit up.

"what?" he groaned, poor boy just wants to rest..

"we want you to… drum roll please!"

aether began to tap the table repeatedly.

"give your number to that one idol you like."

xiao gave venti a confused look, "what?"

"you heard me right!"

"but how?"

venti sank into his seat, "oh shit, i forgot about that.." he began fiddling with his fingers as he tried to think of an idea.

"how about those inkigayo sandwiches?" kazuha suggested, earning a gasp and a hug from venti, "holy shit, you're so smart!" he said as kazuha patted his back gently, smiling innocently.

"do those even work nowadays?" xiao raised a brow, "yeah, i'm sure.. it hasn't been that long since one of our seniors revealed it to the public." aether said, looking up from his phone. 

"it sounds so clichè and cringey.."

"oh come on xiao, who knows? maybe they like you too! you can't back-out, remember?"

xiao sighed, making it audible enough for venti to hear, wanting the boy to hear his obvious disappointment and irritation.

this will be one hell of a ride.

a/n: oh my god im finally having the urge to write again, it's been almost a year 💀 anyways, i made a xiao fic cuz im down bad for this man, thats all lol see you all 😁

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