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this is a dumb idea.

xiao thought. giving a sandwich? with his number inside? ridiculous. who in their right mind would've ever thought of this?

him and the rest of 4nemo were on the 4th floor of the venue for lunch, where all idols gather to eat because they aren't allowed to eat anywhere else in the building.

he stared at the wrapped sandwich in his hands, already regretting his decisions in life. 

(he peeled off a piece of plastic earlier and slid a paper with his number inside before wrapping it up again.)

"xiao! are you ready? we're supposed to go backstage before dckz performs." once again, this little green haired band-mate was beside him.

"come on xiao, you can do it!" aether cheered him up as xiao felt kazuha pat his back a few times. "there's nothing to be embarrassed about, you know." 

"why am i surrounded with a bunch of smiling idiots…"

"oh! there they are!" venti shouted by accident, causing aether to put his hand over venti's mouth because of how loud he was. "go for it." kazuha pushed xiao forward.

man this is going to be interesting.


you had been an idol for almost 6 years, many other idols and rookies looked up to you, admiring your works and how talented you are. you had also achieved many, different kinds of awards national and internationally through-out your idol life, though it wasn't easy to get this high.

you faced hardships, a bunch of rumours began to spread, and your packed schedule gave you less time to rest properly, barely even getting enough sleep from how many interviews, filmings, meetings and tours you have.

you were sitting alone at a table when you suddenly saw one of the idols come closer, you immediately put your phone down and bowed slightly at him, letting out a small "hello."

"hi, i.. uh, noticed how exhausted you were after your performance earlier and i wanted to give you this." he set down the inkigayo sandwich and a bottle of water on your table, you bowed at him again, "thanks." you said, giving him a small smile, "oh, please, take a seat." you kindly offered to him as he nodded and sat on the empty seat in front of you.


meanwhile, on 4nemo's table, venti's jaw was hanging as he watched the interaction between you and xiao. "he really did it.." kazuha said in an amused tone, "i honestly thought he'll chicken out.."  aether chuckled from behind, also enjoying the show. "looks like they're having fun.." kazuha added when he saw you laughing while xiao also seemed to be chuckling a bit. they kept on watching him for about 10 minutes, with venti examining everything that he was seeing.


"no jokes, really. the red hair suited you." 

newly-debuted xiao looked good, you have to admit, he had red strikes, which really suited him, and damn, that crop top he was wearing. sometimes it just makes you wonder, how does this man look so fucking good in everything?

"you did really well in your debut stage dont worry, i was there." you laughed, putting the bottle near your mouth.

opening his mouth to ask a question, he was suddenly interrupted with a staff member who then whispered something to his ear.

"oh, i see." xiao nodded, "alright, i'll be there in a few." he bowed slightly at the staff, then turned to you. "i'm really sorry, but i have to go get ready."

"oh, no, no, it's fine, we can catch up later after the show." you waved your hands in front of you to show him that you were alright with it. you had to go backstage too, since you were asked to host the second part of the show with dckz's diluc.

"yeah.. see you later."

"good luck, i'll be watching."

you smiled at him as you watched him go back to his group, you picked up the sandwich and noticed a small piece of paper that was inside the plastic, you began to unwrap it and took out the paper, 

call me ;)

the text made you chuckle, it was cute but it was so obvious that he wasn't the one who wrote it (spoiler: it was venti). 


he did not get to meet you after the show, he had to go back to the agency immediately.

but hey, at least he got the dare done.

he wasn't sure if you saw the paper but he hoped you did, since it was just placed in plain sight. 

the ride to the agency was silent, all of them were tired from the show, kazuha was fast asleep on the back of the van, with him laying down, taking up all spaces as venti, aether and xiao were sitting on the second row.

he was looking out on the window before he felt his phone vibrate, he just received a text.

hey, you did good earlier :) 


man i lost the 50/50 to keqing, got ganyu, then lost it again to keqing what the fuck 🙁

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