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another day means more work.

it's been a month since inkigayo, comeback season is almost over, just a few interviews and photoshoots left, it made you sigh in relief, you had been doing stuff like this for half a year, a break sounds really nice.

"any dating updates maybe?" the interviewer suddenly asked after a couple of questions about your comeback. 

you hate being asked about your dating life, anywhere you go, you get asked if you're dating anyone, or if you're seeing someone.

"uh, no, i'm not dating anyone yet, i want to uh, focus on my career." you answered, making little hand gestures while explaining. 

"but if someone asks you out, will you..?"

"as i said, i'm not really interested in dating while in business."

god, they just had to keep pushing that topic on, do they? how you wish this interview is ending so you can go on your day.


"ah yes, of course. i'll go and talk to them. thank you."

your manager put the phone down as he went to the living room of your apartment.

you didn't bother buying a whole house, but instead you bought an apartment room in a luxury apartment that is near the agency.

"they want you to collaborate with 4nemo."


the news made you look up to him from the couch, "but my comeback season is over."

he chuckled, "don't worry, they're still planning on when it's coming out, they just want you and 4nemo to produce and record for the time being."

"i can't just catch a break huh.."


he sat down beside you, "i'll try to talk to them and give you more time to rest."

you smiled at him, gosh, he's the best manager you can ask for, "thanks thoma."

"no problem, you know you can count on me." he gave you a big grin, god he was so fucking adorable and is probably the best manager out there. he stood up seconds later and left to get out the apartment, "take care of yourself!" he shouted before opening the door and leaving.

you were chilling on the couch, watching tv, eating popcorn as you relaxed yourself, sighing. 

then your phone rang, good thing it was just on the couch beside you, so you wouldn't have to bend over the glass table and pick it up. 



oh shit.

"i heard about the collaboration from our manager, and i wanted to talk to you about it."

"yeah, i just found out too. schedule's packed huh?" you chuckle.

"yeah, they said the fans wanted a collaboration between two famous idols, but i just don't understand why they had to pick us, of all people, they could've just picked those dckz boys or tvt."

"well, that's idol life for you.. you cant really catch a break."

"right.. i chose this career, so i'm the one who's going to suffer."

you laughed at his sentence, "oh xiao, about the uh.. the producing and practicing schedule, my manager is still working on those so i dont really know when i'll be able to meet up with your group.."

"oh, no, no, that's fine." he let out a small laugh, and if you were being honest it was cute. "you can take a break while the dates not yet official, you deserve it."

"thanks." you smiled, nightly calls with xiao were normal to you, even though it's not a daily thing, you keep in touch at least twice a week, when you're in bed, ready to rest and have nothing else idol-related to do for the day.


a/n: yk after watching all of us are dead, i suddenly thought what would the genshin charas do in a zombie apocalypse so i might make a book about that and i'm not holding back this time 😈 

edit: i promised some tiktok people for a childe x reader spider-man au so.. maybe after that ill do the zombie au one 🫂

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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