Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

    Zhao Kexiang's case was the first case in his life that Xiang Yang, a fresh graduate from Yaocheng Police Station, took over. It was relatively simple, so it was considered that the seniors of the police station specially gave him some practice and self-confidence.

    Xiang Yang originally thought it was very simple, and he didn't even think that such a simple case required the use of the criminal investigation techniques he had learned. In the past, it seemed to be the case, but a spat in the university led one of them to instigate Zhao Kexiang to beat and threaten his roommate.

    I didn't expect the other party to be a pig who eats a tiger. He didn't succeed in teaching others, but he was beaten.

    This is what Xiang Yang knew when he took over the information. In fact, in his opinion, Zhao Kexiang deserved it. However, after all, he was injured, and the police filed a case. Therefore, this case must be investigated.

    Even if...he wasn't a complete victim.

    With three broken ribs already constituting minor injuries, it is now considered a criminal case.

    If the murderer is caught, the maximum penalty can be up to three years in prison.

    Xiang Yang flipped through the documents in his hand, his face slowly stiffened, he slowly frowned, and quickly started the document, and then had to accept the reality...


    no! no! no! ! !

    There is no directional evidence of the murderer at all, and the only evidence is Zhao Kexiang's confession.

    Xiang Yang: "???" This... how is it convicted?

    The roadside surveillance did not capture Zhao Kexiang nor the girl, and he went out to look for witnesses before, but he returned without success. The most surprising thing is that the boss who set up the stall at the entrance of the alley that day didn't see anyone clearly.

    Let them remember, but they can't remember anything.

    Xiang Yang: "..." Two people passed by in front of them, but they couldn't remember anything? ? ?

    Judging from the current data, this case is simply... an unsolved case.

    Xiang Yang: "???" What about loving the newcomer?

    China is a society ruled by law, and isolated confessions are only secondary evidence. That is to say, before the decisive evidence comes out, Zhao Kexiang's confession cannot be used as evidence at all.

    That night, Xiang Yang had a headache and insomnia.


    The next day, when Luo Mo got up, she received a notice from the police station to make a record.

    When Luo Mo got up, Ling Sisi and Luo Ninghan, who were in the next two beds, hadn't gotten up yet.

    Luo Mo ignored them, changed into a set of sports clothes that were easy to move around, and went to the cafeteria to have breakfast first.

    After breakfast, Luo Mo leisurely walked out of the school gate to the police station.

    Yaocheng Police Station is relatively close to the school, only a 15-minute walk away. Luo Mo arrived at the police station, went to the counter and explained her purpose, and soon someone came to lead her to the interrogation room.

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