Hello Again!-Part 6

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Lucy's POV

"Lucy!" Rogue said as he hugged me tightly. I hugged just as much back and kissed his cheek.

"I can't believe we bumped into each other here!" I said happily, still in his arms.

"Me neither!" he chuckled. "So who's the pinkie?"

"Oh! Him? He's just a guy I met at the new school my dad sent me to. Urg, and it's a boarding school," I said.

"It can't be that bad, right?" he asked.

"Well, not really but I had to leave all my other friends without saying goodbye."

"I hope you learn to love your new school like you loved me," he said in a loving voice.

"loved? I still love you Rogue," I said as I buried my head in his shoulder. I felt his arms tighten around me and I could feel his heart beating.

"Well umm... I'm going back to the school now Luce," I heard Natsu say behing me.

"Sorry Natsu! But I really haven't seen Rogue since we were kids, I'll get back there later okay?" I asked as I turned around and face Natsu. But Rogue still had his arms around my waist and his head was buried in my hair.

"'ight, I'll tell the others to not worry about you," he responded and headed out the mall still carrying my bags.

"So is he your boyfriend or not Lucy?" I heard Rogue ask me.

I turned around and cupped his face, which looked a little sad, "Rogue, he's not my boyfriends, okay? He's just a guy I met at school. I made you a promise didn't I?"

He nodded and said, "I just didn't think that you remembered about it."

"So repeat it to me so that you can make sure that I remember," I said softly.

"You said, 'You don't ever have to worry about me because I will always be by your side and we will only have our firsts of everything together and together only' but then our families moved away from each other."

"But I'm here now, aren't I?"


"Let's go somewhere together!" I offered.

"Okay Luce," he said in a sweet voice.

Natsu's POV

I was walking back to school when I rememered that I didn't have a ride back so I opened my phone and called Gajeel.

"What do you want?"

"Hello to you too Gajeel," I said in a sarcastic voice.

"What's wrong with you dipshit? You seem angry, that's a first."

"It's nothing, I just need a ride back to the school. Do you think that you can drive me back?"

"Yeah. I'll be there in---. Wait, where are you?"

"I'm at the ciry mall."

"Damn that's far. How'd you get there?"

"Lucy drove us over here."

"Then where is she now?"

"With her boyfriend."

"Damn, and you're not jealous?"

"Can you just come and get me??"

"Fine baka."

End of Call

I sat down at a near bench with Lucy's stuff still with me. How can this girl just say that she has a boyfriend to me and then ditch me when she sees him when she was with me?!?! I hit the chair with my fist and I heard a yelp of a child behing me.

"Fuck, now I'm scaring kids that are near me." I turned on my phone again and started to go through the new posts on iFunny. All this shit is so dumb, hardly any of it is funny anymore. I heard a rumbling noise aproaching me and I looked up to see a run down car with Gajeel inside.

"Your car looks like shit man," I said as I got in with Lucy's thigs.

"YOU look like shit man, with a bunch of girly shopping bags," he shot back.

"Thanks for picking me up."

"It's all right, so tell me everything."

"Fine, so me and Lucy went out to---"


So I'm sorry for not updating in a long time but here it is fellas. Also in the end, where it just cuts off, Natsu is just explaining everything that happened that day and I didn't really want to type all of that, sorry. I'll try to update when I can so stay awesome guys.

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