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Katya had been working for the CBI since 2010. Before that, she used to do all kinds of illegal things and even worked for the Russian mafia. She got arrested for drug possession and when officers found out she was related to the mob, they decided to hire her as an informant. Katya was really good at this job, she helped to arrest more than 10 Russian criminals. She was promoted as an investigator in 2016. Katya worked with the same partner since then, but he retired this year. She wasn't particularly sad, however she hated the prospect of being paired with a stranger. Katya loathed meeting new people. This Monday her new partner would start. She only knew her name, Mattel.

Katya was sitting in her office drinking coffee while reading the summary of the case she had been working on. Someone knocked on the door and she mumbled to open, not moving her eyes from the paper in front of her.

"Hi, I'm Trixie Mattel, your new partner. Nice to meet you" A sweet voice said. Katya looked up and almost spit her coffee out. She wondered if she worked at a porn studio because that girl surely had all the attributes. She was a curvy blonde with a pretty face, the kind of pinup who only exists in movies. She wore a pink blazer and skirt set with white heels, and Katya scoffed in her head about how stereotypically feminine it was.

"Hey. Your desk is here, there's a copy of the case on it. We leave at 12 pm to speak with the owner of the club." Katya stated without showing any sign of sympathy even if the other woman was smiling kindly.

"Ok perfect, thank you" She replied walking over to her desk. They sat in silence for 4 hours, and Katya had to admit she was pleased to see Trixie wasn't talkative.

"We're going" She said putting on her leather jacket. Trixie nodded and followed her out of the building, then sat in the passenger seat in the car.

"I'm gonna interview Bogdanov alone today. You'll stay in the car." Katya informed while parking on the side of the road.
"Why? What was the point of bringing me here?" Trixie asked a bit annoyed.
"If I'm not satisfied with his answers you'll go undercover in his club. He can't see your face yet. I know what I'm doing" Katya replied. She couldn't stand a newbie trying to tell her how to do her job.
"Oh ok."

Katya walked out of the car and entered the club by the backdoor. The owner, Igor, knew her well. The CBI had been tracking down his activities for many years now, and they never managed to arrest him.

"алло Екатеринa! What a pleasure to see you" The man greeted with a huge smile.
"It's agent Zamo to you."

She asked him all sorts of questions and wrote down his answers, even if she knew most of them were lies. Obviously Igor denied any allegations of being friends with Krasnyy, the top mafia leader.

"How did it went?" Trixie said when Katya got back in the car.
"You'll have to go Thursday night. Do you have an appropriate dress?"
"Hum yeah I guess. What will I have to do?"
"Basically play the materialistic bimbo. Get close to him and enter his VIP booth. The goal is to see if he uses or proposes you coke from little bags with a capital K on them. You'll have a mic and a camera on you, I'll speak to you while you're in there to guide you."
"I can do that. And once I have the info what should I do?"
"We'll improvise. If it doesn't go well I'll be down in the street."

At 1 am on Friday Katya parked her car next to the club and explained the last details to her partner.

"Good to go?" She asked once she was done.
Trixie stepped out of the vehicle and removed her trench coat, revealing a tight pink dress that showed her cleavage and barely covered her ass. Katya didn't know where to look. Trixie saw how she was getting checked out and rolled her eyes, throwing her mantle in Katya's face. The girl was embarrassed about her own behavior but in the moment she couldn't help it.

*I'm in the queue* Trixie said to Katya through her mic and earbud device.
*Ok. Once you're inside get yourself a soft drink and dance for awhile, try to get his attention on you.*
*I will.*

After 10 minutes Katya heard loud music in the background and Trixie speaking to a bartender.

*I see him. He's talking with two guys in his booth.*
*You know what to do*

Trixie began swaying her hips and feeling up on her body. She tried to make eye contact with Igor, and when she did she smirked and turned around to show him her ass. The blonde did all the dirty moves she knew and a few minutes later a bodyguard walked in her direction.

"The owner wants you in his booth" He simply stated. Trixie smiled widely and followed him. When she arrived Igor patted the place next to him on the couch, and even if she wanted to throw up from his attitude Trixie sat next to him. He didn't say anything, just put his hands on her ass and kept talking in Russian with his friends. Trixie breathed deeply and remained focused on her task. She looked around the table but there were only high priced vodka bottles and champagne. However Trixie noticed some white powder on the armrest of the couch.

*I think they have coke but I don't see any bags right now.* She discreetly mumbled.
*Wait for him to take one out. Don't ask for it. He doesn't really like women who talk.*

Trixie could tell from how disinterested he was. He just groped her and stared at her breasts.

"Want something to drink?" Igor asked taking a glass.
"No thank you, I'm not really into alcohol" Trixie replied with a smile.
"Oh I see you're a coke whore huh? Here"

The blonde thanked him and took the little ziplock bag he threw at her, turning around to make a line on the lean. She made sure to show it to the camera hidden in her necklace and then pretended to sniff the powder. In reality she brushed it off on the ground.

"I'm gonna reapply my lipstick" Trixie said to Igor, blowing him a kiss before standing up. He barely looked at her and went back to his conversation.

*I have the footage Katya. I'm coming out.*

"So?" Katya asked when Trixie got back.
"It was faded but there was a K on the bag."

Katya dropped Trixie off at her place and muttered a goodbye before driving off. Trixie would have expected a "good job" or something, but apparently Katya wasn't the type to praise. She hoped things would get better with time, she needed to have a good relationship with her partner to be effective.

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