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When Trixie took Katya back home she had prepared a beautiful table for dinner. They told each other all the things that they forgot to mention during the phone calls and spent the whole evening cuddling on the couch and then in bed. It was like that for the entire weekend too. As she expected, Katya's boss told her that she would be working closely with Washington D.C's department. That meant being there at least a day a week, and since the flight was almost 5 hours it was best to stay more to make the trip worth it. Trixie was so sad to hear it, she knew it was a good thing for Katya's career but not having her by her side half of the week would be challenging. She insisted to come with Katya to and from the airport every time she could.

And so it began, Katya usually left 3 days in a row every week. They called each other once a day at least, and Trixie planned date nights with Katya when she came back. The older woman would always bring a gift to Trixie. From a dumb souvenir to an expensive bracelet, she took time to pick out something special for her girl. They cherished the time they had together even more. However Trixie wondered if she could bear this situation over time. After a month she noticed that Katya stopped calling everyday, she would send a message instead. She didn't consistently come back with a present. And it's not that Trixie cared about the material things, it was the gesture that she loved, and missed. On top of that Katya usually came home around midnight, so she would immediately go to sleep. They merely saw each other on the weekends. Trixie managed it when she saw her girlfriend half of the week, but now that she only had two days with her she contemplated if their relationship was worth it.

On a Thursday night Trixie tried to call her girlfriend but she got sent to voicemail. Katya hadn't talked to her since she left on Tuesday, and she was getting worried. She waited an hour and called again, but there was no use. Trixie went to sleep angry and scared, because either Katya didn't care enough to answer or something bad happened.

Katya *Hey I've been real busy, I'm sorry. I don't think I can call you today either, but I come home tonight, around 11 pm. I love you*

The blonde read the message the next day but didn't bother to respond. Instead she complained to Amanda, her colleague and now friend to whom she pretty much told her whole life. She was easy to talk to and understanding, she always listened to Trixie's rants. After spending their entire days together for more than a month now, they got pretty close and went out a few times together to shop or go to the cinema. Trixie was telling Amanda about Katya's message and how mad she was at her.

"She's too focused on work and forgets what's really important. I hope she'll realize that." The red haired woman said.
"Yeah I don't know. It's been awhile. She's used to being away from me, I don't think she cares." Trixie sighed leaning her head back in her seat.
"Aw I hate to see you all sad like that. Let's go out tonight! We can have a fancy dinner."
"That would be fun but I need to pick Katya up from the airport at 11pm"
"That's late, we'll be done by then. Or tell her to get a cab"

Trixie thought about it for a moment. She could allow herself to not go take Katya from the airport once.

"Alright. Thank you" She replied smiling. Once the work day was over Trixie went home and got ready, then sent a text to Katya to let her know she was meeting up with a friend. Amanda picked her up and drove them to a restaurant she chose, which Trixie never went to before. It was a beautiful place and seemed expensive. The two girls couldn't stop chatting and laughing the entire evening, and the wine glasses they were downing only made them more talkative. When it was time to pay Amanda insisted to invite Trixie. She accepted the nice gesture and they walked down the street to the car.

"I had a really nice time with you. I hope we can do this again" Trixie's colleague said taking her hand. Trixie was surprised by that but went along with it.
"Yes absolutely. I'll get the bill next time" The blonde replied. Amanda stopped moving and Trixie turned to face her. The ginger put a hand on her cheek and slowly leaned in until their lips met. Trixie was confused. It felt good and she didn't pull away, but she realized that she wished it was Katya kissing her. When Amanda went to deepen the kiss Trixie pushed her back a little.

"Amanda I- I have a girlfriend" She mumbled.
"I know. From what I've heard she neglects you Trixie. I can love you better than she can. Give me a chance."
"But we can't be together anyway if we're partners"
"That rule was removed a week ago. I will treat you right Trix."
"I need time to think, I didn't know you were into me at all" Trixie said matter of factly. Her mind was blank and working overdrive at the same time. Maybe Amanda was right. Maybe she was wasting her time with Katya. Recently their relationship hurt her more than it made her feel good. Amanda dropped Trixie off at her place past midnight. The blonde thanked her and walked to her front door, knowing Katya was already home. A sudden feeling of guilt overcame her as she entered the house. She should've talked with Katya instead of complaining to Amanda, and none of this would have happened. Trixie felt even worse when she saw the big bouquet of pink roses on the table with a little note from Katya. Tears welled up in her eyes and she cried. She stayed there looking down at the flowers until a voice made her jump.

"Hey baby. How was your evening?" Katya asked with a hoarse sleepy voice. Trixie sniffled and turned around, biting her lip hard to stop herself from weeping more. However her runny mascara gave away everything.
"Oh it didn't go well. Tell me what happened my love, what's wrong? Who do I need to beat" Katya said with a giggle coming closer to hug Trixie.
"I feel like you don't care about me anymore. We only have time together on the weekend, it's not enough for me. I miss you, I miss how loved you made me feel. You don't even bother to call me when you're not there." Trixie said hugging Katya loosely.
"I-" Katya started but her girlfriend cut her off.
"Wait. I went out with Amanda tonight, and I think in her mind it was a date. We kissed and I regret it, but I longed to feel close to someone." Trixie explained closing her eyes. She waited for Katya's reaction, wondering how mad she would be.

"I knew it would happen. I knew your feelings would get weaker because we're apart all the time. And I don't want to keep you down if you could be happier without me. I must quit my job if I want to give you what you deserve. You'll have to support us both and it's just so messy, I don't want that for you"
"No Katya that's not true. I'm not falling out of love, you're the only one I can see myself with. Please don't give up on me. I don't care if we have less money as long as I'm with you"
"I don't want to lose you either Trixie. I just need to be sure that if I drop my job you'll be here. I still love you, more than ever."
"I will stay by your side. I love you too Kat."

Katya put her hand on Trixie's neck and she pulled away. They looked in each other's eyes, both red from crying, and kissed.

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