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Trixie and Katya were on the road again going to see an old friend of Katya's, who could possibly give them information about the extent of the drug trafficking.

"No no, stay here. I'll be back in 10 minutes." Katya said as Trixie opened her car door.
"What's your reason this time?" Trixie asked in an annoyed tone.
"Carla knows me but she doesn't like the police and even less strangers"
"I'm sorry Katya but you're not my boss. You can't chose to let me participate in this case or not. I'm coming"
"Don't be annoying Trixie it'll be easier if I'm alone"
"I'm not gonna let you walk over me because I'm younger and less experienced. I'm never going to learn if I stay in this car the whole fucking day. So stop being a bitter old bitch" Trixie snapped and got out of the car, then slammed the door shut. She didn't want to submit to Katya, and she wanted to have her respect. It was now the third time her colleague tried to exclude her from the case and she couldn't take it anymore.

Katya sat completely dumbfounded. She would've never thought the pink thing that was Trixie could be so aggressive. Katya joined her partner and they walked to Carla's apartment.

"You won't talk to me like that ever again Trixie. Behave." She added just as the door opened.

Katya hugged Carla tightly and they discussed together, not really acknowledging Trixie. It was very apparent to her that Katya and Carla had something going on. She stayed silent the entire time and took notes. Half an hour later they left with a lot of interesting knowledge about Krasnyy's business. Katya stayed a minute alone with Carla before joining Trixie in the hallway.

"You know that it's illegal to fuck an informant right?" Trixie asked rhetorically.
"I'm not fucking her! And you need to mind your business." Katya replied defensively. She did hook up with Carla in the past, but she wasn't going to admit it. And Katya hated that Trixie was able to see through her so easily. The blonde was really starting to get on her nerves.

"Whatever you say. We should go to Kuznetsov's hotel to question the staff." Trixie sighed.
"No. We need to go there as clients, they're the mafia Trixie it's not that simple. Most employees are probably not aware of the stuff going on anyway and if we go there with our CBI caps on they'll stop the trafficking for a month just to be sure. But you don't know that obviously." Katya clapped back.
"I'm sorry if I wanna proceed like I was taught. We're not in a spy movie Katya I'm not going to play a new character every time we need to investigate something."
"You have no idea how any of this works. And I'm not letting you ruin all the work I've done on this case because you want to have the last word."
"Fine. Show me how it's done Donnie Brasco"

Katya huffed and parked behind the hotel. They needed to do some tracking before setting up a real plan. She noted the time workers put the trash out, which car made round-trips, and basically every little detail that could be useful for later. She saw Trixie watching her and somehow felt bad for being harsh on her. But the girl was stubborn and had a smart mouth, Katya doubted that she would allow her to teach her anything.

"It's lunch time" Trixie said, breaking the silence. Katya didn't reply, she put her notebook down and drove to a nearby restaurant. They sat across each other and the lack of conversation was feeling heavy as they ate their food. Trixie spoke up first in an attempt to put an end to their ongoing fight.

"I'm sorry for the things I said today. I just don't want you to always dismiss my opinions and act like I'm useless."
"You have to accept that I have more knowledge than you in this situation."
"I never questioned that. Are we good?" Trixie hopefully asked.
"So we can be friends now?"
"No, we're colleagues."
"Are you trying to be the most unbearable human being?" Trixie said while rolling her eyes.
"I'm not trying to do anything. I don't want to be your friend."

Trixie's heart sank a little as she heard that. She huffed and stood up to go to the restrooms. She checked herself in the mirror. Was it her attitude? Her personality? Her face? Or her body? What made Katya despise her so much. Katya saw how Trixie's expression changed when she said that last sentence. But she had to push Trixie away. There was no way she could be friends with this woman. The blonde was so exactly Katya's type, and she knew that getting to know her better would lead to catching feelings. Katya already noticed how her chest felt warm when Trixie sang over the music playing on the radio, or when she put on gloss while looking at herself in her hand mirror.

Katya paid for their meals and collected Trixie's stuff, going outside to smoke. The blonde walked past her straight to the car. Katya joined her and they drove back to the headquarters. The afternoon was silent, Trixie searched for info on Kuznetsov, a millionaire who owned many hotels around America, while Katya studied his financial activities. They exchanged their findings and went home without even saying goodbye to each other.

The next day Trixie and Katya went back to the club to ask Igor some more questions about his relations with Kuznetsov especially.

"Wait a minute are you that whore from the other night? You're in the police?" He asked angrily as they walked in. Trixie was about to say something but Katya cut her off.

"Watch your mouth Igor. Now sit down calmly and talk with us if you don't wanna end up in a cell."
"Don't fucking tell me how to act. You've betrayed all of us to save your ass. I helped you get a life in this country and now you're trynna take my business down." He yelled.
"I wouldn't call what you did for me help. But this is not about that. Do you know a man named Pavel Kuznetsov?"
"I'm not answering you. Ungrateful bitch. Get the fuck out of here Yekaterina, and bring that slut with you" Igor shouted before turning his back on Trixie and Katya and walking away. Katya decided that he went too far so she grabbed her handcuffs.

"Igor Smirnov, you are under arrest" She stated as she walked closer to him. Trixie followed behind her and as the man turned around she saw him pointing his gun towards her partner. She didn't have time to reach for her own firearm so all she did was push Katya out of the way with her entire body. Igor shot as she did, and not even a second later she felt a sharp burning pain in her left arm. Trixie screamed as she fell to the floor, Katya frantically looking back from Igor to the blonde in her arms. The man grinned and ran out, but Katya decided not to chase him.

"You're gonna be okay Trixie I promise, I've alerted the headquarters and they're sending an ambulance to our location. Try to breathe normally, I'm right here." Katya reassured while putting Trixie on her side and laying her head in her lap. She used her belt to constrict Trixie's arm and stop the blood flow above her wound and used her shirt to apply pressure on it. Katya was trying to comfort Trixie but she was panicking herself. She felt so guilty, so dumb, she should have handled the situation better and avoided this. Katya should've been the one being shot, and it baffled her that Trixie took a bullet for her. It was surely not her intention, but she did save her life. Katya looked down at Trixie and pet her hair to relax her, wondering why she was ever mean to this woman.

"I'm so sorry Trixie, I had no idea he was still violent like this especially with police officers. We will get him."
"Not your fault" Trixie mumbled and winced. She was wailing in pain and Katya started unwillingly crying. Her mind was making all kind of scenarios that could've went down. Her or Trixie could have been shot dead. She snapped out of her overthinking when she heard sirens.

"They're here Trixie, you're gonna be alright. I'm staying with you."

EMTs barged in the room and Katya helped them to put Trixie on a stretcher. She went with them to the ambulance and sat beside her partner in the back. Katya hesitated but ended up holding Trixie's hand during the ride. She needed to break down her walls and let her true feelings rule from now on, no matter the consequences. They arrived at the hospital and Katya had to leave Trixie at the operating room.

"I'll be there when you wake up." Katya said with a smile. Trixie was under an oxygen mask so she slowly blinked in response and let go of Katya's hand.

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