tonight is the third night and the last night

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mmmppphhh... mmmppphhh... aaahhh... aaahhh... tonight IS the last night for me to wish my uncle poke my ass hole UNTIL I'm satisfied and hooked. on the peak night welcoming the Lunar New Year celebrations, MY lust INCREASED, TO enjoy uncle's big dick poke. BUT Uncle poked my ass hole with his finger. Uncle told me, be patient and WAIT for five more years. I said I WANT NOW to enjoy EVERY poke of Uncle's big dick. Uncle then whispered to me, WAIT two more years. I ONLY answered uncle by nodding. NOW Uncle poke my ass hole BY using two fingers, the longer the tempo, the faster the tempo of the rhythm of my ass poke in my ass hole. while Uncle KISSING ME. mmmppphhh... mmmppphhh... mmmppphhh...NOW I tried to poke my ass hole BY using my big dick, BUT, ONLY the head of my big dick went a little bit into my ass hole, I WAS LIVE, crying because it hurt too much. Turns out this is the reason why Uncle insists on NOT wanting to sodomize me with Uncle's big dick, I am VERY grateful to Uncle AT ALL I regret making Uncle sad and crying. Uncle immediately stopped our bed game. And uncle LIVE kissed MY lips JUST a glance. I so feel that the pleasure in this night IS the last pleasure. BECAUSE YOU SLOWLY STARTED TO BLESS MY LIP Roughly and I know you want me to forget everything we did in bed.

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