Chapter 6

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August 1986

*Irene's POV*

I woke up before dawn with Greggy to help him prepare for his business trip to Spain. As I was double checking his luggages, he visited the kids room and kissed each one of them goodbye.

"Take care hon." I said.

"Take care you three." He replied and kissed me goodbye.

There are days when Greggy is away for work, which is quite a challenge for me since our two boys are still at the age of curiosity. When he finally left, I decided preparing for the day. I wrote letters to Mommy, Daddy and Manang Imee. I even wrote another letter for Leandra. Along with the letter is a photo of Leandra, Alfonso and Luis during the birthday party.

My precious Leandra,

Allow me to refresh your memory through this photo I captured. These two boys are Alfonso and Luis. All three of you are my greatest treasure that I ever got in this world. I hope someday, when you all grow up, you will love and support one another.

Please don't ever think that I have forgotten about you even though you are not with me. You always have a place in my heart and nobody can ever take that away. Be strong my first born, we are going to be alright.

All my love,

I packed the envelopes on my purse and planned on mailing them later. I suddenly heard a noise from the other room. I looked and saw that Luis had woken up already and so did Alfonso. I decided to bring them downstairs and prepare their breakfast. When we eere all dressed up, I took the boys to the supermarket to buy some groceries. As we were walking through the aisle's I heard a familiar voice nearby. I walked a bit faster to follow the voice and I saw Leandro and Leandra talking while getting groceries as well.


"Oh hey Rina!"

"What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you be in Springfield?"

"Well, they offered me to work here in San Francisco so I said yes. I couldn't say no to the salary raise and I figured that it could mean that you can see Leandra more often."

"Well I'm glad to hear that Leo."

We both smiled its as if we were happy to see one another again. I admit, I was very pleased that he said that. Even just for a while, I want to spend time with my first born. After doing the groceries, we thought about bringing the kids to the park to play with one another.

"They seem to love playing with Leandra." I said.

"She has that wit and charm that came from you." Leandro replied.

I smiled in response.

"So what are your plans for Leandra's education?"

"I'm thinking about enrolling her to The Mission Prepatory school since we'll be staying here long. So that she wouldn't have to transfer schools."

"But that's a big school, do you think she can do it right away?"

"I know she can, our daughter is strong enough."

When he mentioned strong, I suddenly remembered the letter I wrote this morning. I handed it over to Leandro for him to keep. When it was getting dark, we said our goodbyes. Leandra, hugged the two boys and I gave her a kiss. Today was a good day, and in the days to come, I know it will still be a good day.

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