Chapter 17

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*Irene's POV*

"Mrs. Araneta? A word please."

The doctor said as we step aside from Leandra's cubicle at the Emergency Room. Alfonso sat down next to her bed.

"So what happened to my daughter?"

"What she experienced was an almost fatal asthma attack. It was a good thing that she was sent here right away and we were able to stabilize the condition of her lungs."

"How bad was it doc?"

"Her left lung could've collapsed Mrs. Araneta."

"Will she be alright?"

"Yes, we've placed her on steroids and she can be discharged in a few hours. I've also written down the medication that she'll be needing with complete bed rest for 2 weeks."

"Thank you Doctor."

I went back and talked to Alfonso.

"Is Ate gonna be okay?"

"Yes dear, she'll just need a few weeks in bed."

Alfonso looked at her sister and held her hand.

"Ate wake up na..."

I comforted my son.

"She'll be alright Alfonso."

I decided to step out for a while and prepare for Leandra's discharge later. I called up their house in Forbes Park and it was Mama Linda who answered the phone. She too was in shock with what happened. I thought about asking her if I can take her home so that I can take care of her. Mama was truly gracious to accept my help.

"You're her mother, she needs you now more than ever." Mama Linda said.

"Thank you Mama."

"She's been going through a lot Irene, please protect our precious star."

"What do you mean by that Ma?"

"It would be best if Leandra will be the one to tell you. Take care Irene."

Mama Linda hangs up. What could she mean by my daughter has been going through a lot?

*Leandra's POV*

I never felt so tired in my entire life. Even after opening my eyes, I still feel restless. I found myself in the hospital lying down on the Emergency Room. I suddenly felt a weight on my left hand, it's Fonzy. Looks like he fell asleep while waiting for me. I tried moving my hand to signal him that I'm finally awake.

"Ate!" Fonzy jumped from his seat when he realized that I'm awake.

"Hi Fonzy... what happened?"

"Well they said that you had a really bad asthma attack. How are you feeling now?"

"Tired... but breathing." I smiled.

"Ate... I'm sorry." Fonzy started crying.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry for taking mom away from you."

"No Fonzy. Please don't think that way. You're my little brother and I will always love and protect you."

I kissed his forehead as he cried. I felt the need to cry but I couldn't any longer. Seeing my brother cry was a different kind of pain. A pain that I know I must endure in order for them to come out stronger.

"You don't know how proud I am of you my little brother. You and Luis made mom happy through the years and stood by her side."

"Now Ate, it's our turn to be right by your side. We don't ever want you to be separated from us again."

I smiled at my little brother. How his heart is pure and golden. I know Mom and Tito Greggy raised them well. When mom arrived, I didn't know how to react yet. I just kept on letting her go through me and I would respond politely with a smile. But deep down, everything was going way too fast. We were informed that I can finally be discharged. I was wheeled outside of the hospital by Fonzy.

"Anak..." Mom said.


"I spoke with Mama Linda earlier. And we both agreed that it would be better if you stay with me while you recover."

I smile and nodded in response. When we arrived at mom's house, Luis and Tito Greggy were waiting at the door. Fonzy took all of the bags while Mom helped me to walk inside.

"Luis... this is your Ate Leandra." Mom said to Luis.

Luis was very happy to finally meet me that he went straight for a hug.

"Finally, my Ate is here." He said.

I looked to my right and Tito Greggy was standing next to me. He too went straight for a hug and kissed my cheeks.

"Welcome home... anak." He said.

My heart melted as it felt like it was his way of welcoming me to his family. Dad was right, Tito Greggy was indeed a kind and wonderful man. Once I got settled in, they were all attending to my needs. By nightfall, me, Fonzy and Luis were lying down together watching TV. Mom entered the room and asked if she can be alone with me and without any word, my two brothers left right away. She gave me the prescribed medication to drink and prepared my nebulizer. None of us were talking, the silence was too loud.

"Mom I-"

She broke the words by caressing my cheek and starts to sob.

"I owe it all to your father for making you the person that you are today. Such beauty yet bravery lies inside of you my precious star."

I felt comforted by the hand on my cheek that I ended up puting my weight on it. She starts placing the nebule mask on my mouth and turned on the device.

"You are so loved Leandra. And I am sorry that it took us so many years to be reunited again. The past cannot be re-written but maybe, just maybe, we can turn things around in the present."

I know in my heart that she tried. Maybe that's why I couldn't be angry towards her. I couldn't speak since I had the mask on so I just started tearing up. Mom wiped each tear that fell down on my face.

"Don't worry my baby, I will never leave you anymore."

When my medication was done, she tucked me in bed and left the room. I still couldn't utter my emotions towards everything that had happened. I thought about what she said until I finally fell asleep.

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