Chapter 12

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*Greggy's POV*

"A letter for Mrs. Irene Araneta Sir." The guard handed me an envelope.

"Thank you." I replied.

As I examined the letter for my wife, I noticed the senders name... "Maria Christina Leandra Marcos Silayan"

Could this be the Leandra I met back in San Francisco? The little girl who I suspected to be linked between Irene and Leandro? It can't be. These thoughts began to dwell on me. I held on to the letter until I can be able to talk to Irene privately. I sat quietly on our bedroom desk, staring at the envelope. Irene suddenly barges in.

"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you hon." She said.

"You received a letter." I said without turning around and looking at her.

"Oh.. from who?" She asked.

I finally stood up and looked at her straight in the eye.

"From your daughter." I replied. Suddenly a tear fell on my face. I knew that she was not going to deny it anymore.

"Leandra..." She starts to sob. She didn't know how to approach me so she slowly sat on the bed.

"Greggy... I'm sorry. I had a conplicated life back then."

"You could have at least told me Irene. Look at us, we're here in the Philippines while your daughter is thousand of miles away, wanting to be loved by her mother just like her two younger brothers."

I paused and decided to sit back down on my desk. Tears remain to fall on my face, I feel like such a fool.

"I always knew one way or another, I wasn't the man you wanted. Despite that, I gave nothing but the truest and purest form of love and support you could ever get in this world. But why did you let an innocent child be left in the dark?"

"I... I thought I can be able to turn it around, believe me I tried. But he decided to let go and take her far away from me."

I know who she was referring to, Leandro. It all made sense. He sacrificed his love for Irene and decided to move to the US and start a new life while raising their daughter. He knew if he tried to expose their relationship, he will be put into danger along with the child.

"Ever since then, I tried to reconnect with her by sending letters. Hoping that one day, she'll be able to read them." Irene continued.

"Looks like she knows everything now, that makes two of us." I replied.

"I'm really sorry Greggy..."

"I think I'm not the one who you should say sorry to hon. We both know who is deeply affected."

I stood up and went to her.

"When I married you, I vowed to be with you through your highs and lows. And I shall keep that promise, til death do us part." I kissed Irene passionately.

"Here. Write to her." I gave the envelope to her and stepped out of our room. I took a stroll outside the backyard. I looked up on the sky and closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry for taking her away from you my dear. Thank you Leandro for protecting her all these years." I whispered.

A/N: Book 1 has now reached 1k views AHHHHH CHIGIDIG MY HEART! 💕 I'm thinking about doing an Instagram Live to personally thank the readers. Perhaps do a Q&A in between? Why not right? Follow me: ThePandamonium18

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