Hey, Look! It's A New Student! How Long Has It Been Since The Last One?

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A/N: Welcome back. I still haven't figured out what ruined my prototype run. But we're back online. As my favorite anime series, I've come back to give it the story it deserved. I will first follow the anime, then migrate to the manga as the series ends. I will first redo the starting chapters before making new ones. In case you've forgotten since last time, you're the same age as Hotaru. You have heterochromia and live with your aunt. With the base information out of the way, let's start again. Shall we?

Narrator-san: The sky. Clear and endless. A reminder that something is always above you. A reminder of eternity. That eternity unchanging and infinite. Very much unlike life. Full of unpredictability and change. While some things may seem eternal to us, truly they do change. How does change find you?

It pans to show a small village. Many places are shown one after another. The sound of a recorder and ocarina can be heard in the distance. A girl with purple walks down the street accompanied by an older boy with a bandaid on his nose. But their existence is only shown for a second before going back to showing the setting. While there are several houses, they don't look very urban. We see our two characters from before walking past an older person with a basket on their back. Our characters head to a small shack with two apples in it. That's their convenience store and it was recently restocked. The boy leaves an unknown amount of yen in a small box and takes an apple with him. Focusing on a different set of people, we see two girls struggle to get ready for school. A tall one with orange and a smaller one with brown hair. Once the girl with orange hair fixes her uniform, she heads out the door with the other. Heading to another household, we see a girl exit from it. She has long black hair and a pink shirt. Overall, this place doesn't look like it's aged in fifty years. Bamboo forests, rivers, streams, sakura trees, and the sounds of the railroad. There isn't any detectable modern technology around. And that's how it's always been. Finally, we settle down on the purple-haired girl from before. She continues to play her recorder while the boy with her tries his best to match her tone. 

Y/n: As usual, this place is quiet. But it's a peaceful quiet. A non-deafening type. But sometimes, Renge wonders, do we live in the country? We don't.

Natsumi: "Ren-chon! Y/n-chi!"

They turn around to the person calling their names.

Y/n: Live in the country? We don't. At least, I don't think so. Though, I don't really mind if it is the countryside, because there's still so much fun to be had. 

Natsumi: "Mornin."

Y/n: "Hey."

Renge talks with her recorder in her mouth. This causes her to sound jumbled. 

Natsumi: "Say that again?"

Renge: "Nyanpasu!"

Y/n: "Hm?" AH, right. "Nyanpasu."

Natsumi: "I still don't get it. What does that mean?"

Renge: "Nyan... Pasu!"

Natsumi:  *She answers back with hallowed eyes* "Nyanpasu..."

Renge: "Is Koma-chan coming?"

The person they are talking to is Natsumi Koshigaya, and her sister is Komari Koshigaya. Having caught up, they head to the bus stop. 

Natsumi: "She left earlier." *She sighs* "Such a nice day, and we have to go to school..."

Renge: "I'm still a bright and shiny first grader, so it's fun for me."

Natsumi: "That won't last long. School is tough, you know?"

Y/N: "Sometimes it's okay to be dim. I like rainy days more anyway."

It May Be The Country, But There's Still Fun To Be Had (Non Non Biyori X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now