Who Are You Really, Hotarun?

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A/n: Welcome back. It's been a minute. I was stressed trying to find out how I should order everything. Well, I've got it all together now. I'll be releasing each chapter in proper timeline order. That includes rereleasing old chapters. I'm going to be rewriting some things because of the changes the new episode brings. Anyhow, let's begin this chapter.

It's been about a week since Hotaru joined their tiny school. In that time, they've learned more and more about their new classmate. Yet, Y/n doesn't feel like he knows enough about her. 

Y/n: What are you really like, Ichijou Hotaru?

After getting dressed, he meets up with the others.

Komari: "What took you so long?"

Y/n: "Just lost in thought."

Natsumi: "You think too much, Y/n-chi."

Komari: "You don't think enough!"

Suguru: There those two go again. 

He sighs before leaving the room.

Natsumi: "Koma-chan, you're too cranky in the morning."

Komari: "Don't call me that!"

Y/n: If this goes on for too long, we'll be late for school. "We should probably get going, too."

Komari: *She nods* "Agreed."

Y/n: Oh, that worked. 

Not wanting to be late, the students get a move on. Renge joins them on the way to the bus stop.

Renge: "You guys are later than usual."

Komari: "Blame Natsumi."

Natsumi: "Blame Y/n-chi."

Y/n: "Blame..." There's no one else for me to shift the blame onto. 

As usual, luck seems to shine upon him.

Y/n: "Natsumi if we miss the bus!" 

Natsumi: "Hu?!"

The group quickly piles into the bus.

Natsumi: "What were you thinking about this morning?"

Y/n: "A whole bunch of noneya."

Natsumi: Using my own technique against me?! "Ahaha. Don't be so cold, Y/n-chi. Go ahead, I won't make fun of you."

Y/n: "I know, but this is a question only I can answer."

Natsumi: That's a first. 

Y/n: I'll just have to ask her upfront. That's the best way to ask anything, right? But would she be able to come up with an answer on the spot?

This question lingers in his head the entire bus ride. After hopping off the bus and walking the rest of the way to school, they finally see Hotaru.

Y/n: There! "Yo-"

Komari: "Good morning Hotaru-san."

Natsumi: "Did you just here, Hotarun?"

Hotaru: "G-Good morning. Also, I just got here. I was running a little late. I woke up late."

Natsumi: "You too? Same as Y/n-chi."

Hotaru: "Really? You too?"

Y/n: "Yeah. But it's because I-"

Sensei: "Alright everyone, let's get a start on our day while it's still bright and early."

Y/n: Why?! Has luck abandoned me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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