🧸When youre sleepy🧸

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You had spent around 3 hours at the host club and even missed your afternoon nap. Because of this, you were exhausted and could barely keep your eyes open. Tamaki noticed this and cut all of his sessions short for you.

"Is my little one sleepy? Come on let's go curl up together,"

You were studying for hours and hours for an upcoming test and you had gotten barely any sleep. Kyoya tried to leave you be since he knows how badly you want to pass but he also knew you needed a mental break. He would slowly close your laptop earning a huff from you.

"Hey baby let's go take a nap, it'll make studying easier when you wake up love,"

It's been 5 hours of running around and playing with Honey while Mori watched over you two to make sure you don't get hurt. He soon noticed that you had started rubbing your eyes more than usual. Without any words he would scoop you up into his arms with ease and carry you to a nearby sofa.

"Y/n, you need sleep,"

You two had just eaten A LOT of treats. In your defence it just tasted so good. After eating so much though you were both quite tired. Honey grabbed your hand and dragged you over to his little nap time area before gently pushing you onto the bed.

"Come on y/n we should take a little nap together! I'll let you cuddle with Ouso-chan...and me!"

You had an awful sleep last night and could barely keep your eyes open at school. Hikaru kept glancing at you throughout class watching you yawn and flutter your eyes open and closed. When the bell rang he picked you up and made his way towards the host club. He then set you down on a sofa and handed you the small stuffie you always kept in your bag.

"Here baby boy/girl, just close your eyes and daddy will be right here when you wake up,"

You had just finished throwing a tantrum over Karou saying no to you about letting you eat a whole cake. You were of course put in timeout but that just made you cry more. Obviously after your time out Karou wiped your tears and calmed you down. After all that crying you were exhausted and Karou could tell.

"See this is why we don't throw tantrums prince/princess. Now let's take a little rest,"

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