My Eye? (Ch.1)

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Dark Enchantress Cookie has finally been defeated. The world was at peace.
The creatures have settled down, making the process of expanding territory a whole lot easier, materials and supplies became abundant overtime and have been shared widely with other kingdoms. Most cookies decided to help around, taking up small jobs to gather, bake and craft various materials. The kingdom was thriving.

It was a normal, sunny day overall, Wizard Cookie and Alchemist Cookie were arguing once again, a mushroom managed to get the lights going in Sparkling's bar and they both immediately started making theories. Sparkling Cookie was getting new furniture and thought about experimenting how well they worked.


Alchemist squealed in excitement whilst Wizard fell to his knees in defeat. His hypothesis was wrong.

"I told you! This mushroom's cap here is modelled to conduct electricity thanks to a certain concoction, which explains the green liquid and why the lights turned on when I placed it between those wires. Not everything has to do with magic, Wizard Cookie!"

Wizard didn't dare to look at her in the eye, he didn't like being proven wrong at all. He simply clenched his fists, remaining silent while only music coming from the phonograph could be heard. Alchemist Cookie fixed her glasses, grinning smugly as Wizard kept his back turned on her.

"You're still young, you are bound to be wrong sometimes. Sure, you did grow up to be 'wiser', but never more than me!"

That was it for him, he shoved her hand off and walked out of the bar, a small bell ringing along with the creaking of the door, Sparkling Cookie waved at him smiling and asked Alchemist to bring her brother back home, to which she nodded and sighed. Wizard kept rewinding that moment in his mind, filling slowly with anger and frustration. He walked along the path back to the cookie mansion he, Strawberry, Chili, Custard and Gingerbrave shared to get back to one of his books: he got interrupted by Alchemist whilst he was reading. As soon as he reached the bridge to the house, he mumbled and went straight for the doorknob. The door slammed open as Custard jumped and smudged his drawing, GingerBrave was helping him so he looked up, slightly startled aswell.

"Wizardddd! You made me ruin my awesome drawing!"

Wizard's eye twitched a little, not one word was said before he rushed to his room and slammed the door closed again.

"Geez, what's his deal? This is one of the few times I see him like this."

"Great, he's mad again.."

Chili Pepper raised an eyebrow, putting a hand on her hip and fiddling with one of her knives with the other. She looked at Gingerbrave and stopped the knife.

"Again? Does he always barge in the cookie mansion when I'm not around?"

She proceeded to look at Custard sitting on the floor, he shrugged.

"More like when he meets up with Alchemist for.. whatever you call their 'interactions'."

"How long has this been going on?"

Strawberry walked in from behind the stairs, looking at everyone in the room. Gingerbrave wasn't sure but only knew it was for a long time. He went up the stairs while Chili asked Strawberry to stay home for Mango's supply delivery. He knocked, before hearing Wizard:

"Gingerbrave, I know it's you. Go away.."

He giggled for just a second, quickly entering the room covered in the dim light coming from the window, trying to be as quiet as possible. He heard a loud sigh coming from behind him as he turned around to see Wizard wrapped up in a blanket, his hat was on his nightstand.

New feelings, New Enemy // Cookie Run Fanfiction //Where stories live. Discover now