당신의 여왕이 아닙니다: I

177 14 8

A/N: This two shot story will be featuring SaKook.

Errors ahead! Might contain typo and grammatical errors. Please bear with me. Thank you!


(This part would be featuring Alexandria's point of view)

"Her name screams royalty!"

"I'm envy because, that kind of name suits her a lot. I mean, it's only once in a blue moon for a woman to have that kind of name, without sounding like childish or what."

"She looks like a real-life princess! Just like her name and her face as well."

Those are some of the praises that I've been receiving everyday. Well, I'm not really used in getting and receiving a lot of attentions, but as time passes by, I got used to it.

I don't know what's with my name? I mean, actually I don't really like my first name. It's sounds corny, and childish, and I think they only say that it suits me because - not to brag, but - I have a baby face.

But, I'm not a baby anymore!

I couldn't help, but to sigh. Seriously, what's wrong with them? It's just a name. A name that everyone can have if their parents named them.

Princess Alexandria Minatozaki. Seriously? Does it screams royalty? I don't know if they're talking about my first name, or my surname.

I don't want to use that Princess name. It doesn't suit me.

Yah, I couldn't still move on. Royalty my ass, at what part? Where is the royalty there.

Okay, the next thing is when someone said that it suits my name very well. Hmm, for a reason, I agree. I mean, the name Princess is not really bad for me. It's just, that I don't like it. That's all.

The third one is when someone called me a real-life princess. I mean! Wow, what a compliment that makes my heart flutter. Aish, I think I'm blushing so hard, mother fucker, please stop.

Of course, since I'm popular here in our campus, no doubt that I also have haters. Mind you, there were a lot.

"Imagine, having a name 'Princess', but her attitude is a demonic one."

"I certainly agree! She doesn't look like a princess after all. Tsk, that bitch must certainly deceiving those dumb and her immature 'so-called-fans'. I pity them."

"Huh, the good thing is, we're not giving into deception. That bitch is such a gross! A royal piece of shit!"

I just let out a sigh. Of course, what's the equivalent of receiving praises? A hate comments as well. At first, I really want to strangle each on of them for bullying and badmouthing me.

Not until I realized that, fighting them wouldn't benefit me at all. Go cry about it, you shameless scumbags.

While passing at their way, I just flipped my hair, and gave them a maniacal smile. Huh, me demonic? Then, I guess you're right. Joke! I can really feel their blood boiling because of my existence. Wow. Just wow.

Of course, I'm not a demon! I must agree that I'm a cold-hearted woman, who only leans to her best friend. I mean, she's the only one that I gave some warm smiles.

And him, as well.

I gripped tightly at my shoulder bag as his features flashed inside my head. Seriously, he's making me feel something that I shouldn't feel at the first place.

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