12. Devious Smile

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"Brother SeokJin, cease your nonsense tactics to newborns. You know it never worked last time,"

The term newborn unsettles me a bit.

The tension in the air instantly warmed up. I turned around to glance at the newcomer, obviously a stranger to my eyes. He is quite pale compared to the others and has a bit of a feminine, gentle aura around him.

SeokJin releases his grip around me and sighs, "I wasn't scaring her, Yoongi,"

I ease my body from the heated session just a moment ago and focus my attention to them. My body is still soaked from the waist down, but it bothers me a little. To say that I was shocked at SeokJin's remarks is an understatement.

I am a little bit annoyed by it.

The man named Yoongi walks toward us with a lax movement, as if his body is against gravity. He briefly nods in my direction and I reciprocate the gesture with a flat smile. Perhaps he has saved me from further destroying SeokJin's short temper.

"Yes, but don't forget your short-circuit behaviour can cause trouble to others," he remarks.

"What do you want?"

Yoongi stops short, studying the situation before us in silence. I am quite abashed to be found in this exact moment, although it wasn't anything scandalous. Not that I was expecting anything in that direction.

"I was looking for you. The King has new assignments for us,"

At this, SeokJin lowly groans. He releases a strained exhale through the nose.

"What is it this time?"

Yoongi glances at me and puts on a flat smile.

"I'd rather we have this conversation somewhere private, with Jimin that is,"

SeokJin looks behind his shoulder, acknowledging my presence behind him. I am still irritated at his accusations, but without him, I'd probably still be on that bed; lifeless and decaying. The annoyed expression on my face does not betray any lingering feelings I have for SeokJin.

"At least brief me when we're making a move,"

"Two to three days from now on. A little after midnight.," Yoongi said.

My back straightens at the announcement. That isn't much time for me to adapt to a new environment, especially this.

What am I supposed to adapt to on such short notice?

"I see—rendezvous in a few hours back at the meeting room. I need to take care of something," SeokJin replies.

I swallow the lump in my throat and quickly glance at Yoongi. I begged myself to stand up and get as far away from this menacing man before me. It feels like invisible chains are holding me down. Instead of anything, Yoongi offers a pitiful smile towards me.

"Right. See ya,"

Yoongi vanishes in the blink of an eye. SeokJin turns his head around slowly. I almost scream out at the dark aura that is emanating from him.

"Right, where were we?"

If what Yoongi mentioned about his short temper was true, then I need to get out of here.

"SeokJin," I deadpan.

I wasted no time thinking about it and scrambled off of the ground. My steps are heavy and clumsy and the uneven ground makes it hard to balance my weight. I slipped sideways, expecting to hit my back directly on the ground.

I squeezed my eyes shut and felt SeokJin grab me by my wrist, pulling my body upwards and landing on a firm surface.

"Ngh," I groan.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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