The Letter from Hogwarts

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Since the wizarding war, Hermione had been thinking about her education; would it be possible to go back to Hogwarts and complete her education by joining Ginny Weasley's year? Surely it wasn't impossible; surely it had been done before; surely Professor Mcgonagall would say yes; surely her parents would understand? Hermione sat down at her desk and pulled a piece of parchment towards her, along with her ink pot and quill. For a minute, she paused, wondering how to put it, and then started to write.

Dear Professor Mcgonagall

Since the Wizarding War I have been thinking about my education and how I did not get to complete my schoolwork and take the N.E.W.T tests.

Would it be possible if I could return to Hogwarts for a final year and complete my education by joining the newest 7th years? I understand if this is not possible, but it would be amazing if I could come back.

Thank you

Miss H Granger

Hermione signed it in her neat cursive handwriting and wrote Professor Mcgonagall's name onto the parchment envelope. Her lazy ginger cat slunk into the room and leapt onto the bed, going into a nice long sleep in the sunlight coming from her bedroom window. She sat down next to Crookshanks, who purred deeply when she stroked his furry head. Looking out of the window, she spied several small specks against the light blue sky, getting vloser and closer. She realised it was owls and jumped off her bed, opening the window. The first owl was a white snowy owl; for a moment she thought it was Hedwig, but remembered she was killed last year in a horribly tragic accident. She untied the scroll from it's foot and began to read...

Dear Hermione

I'm sorry I haven't been writing to you; I've been very busy travelling the country and trying to track down some of the heirlooms of the Black family that Mundungus stole a few years ago. That dirty rotten thief! I have, however, succeeded in finding several.

This owl I have sent is a new one, given to me by Mrs Weasley; his name is Windspeed.

As a get-together I am holding lunch at 12, Grimmauld Place, my new house. Ron, Ginny, Mr and Mrs Weasley, Bill, Charlie, George, Luna, Neville and Hagrid are coming and you are very welcome to join us on August 30th at 11:30am. Please do come, it would be fantastic! Send your reply as soon as you can, Kreacher says he wants to make plans.

Hope you have a wonderful summer!


The next owl was a tiny minute owl who she recognised as Ron's owl, Pig. His younger sister had named him Pigwigeon in her fourth year. He rapidly flew round the room, sending Crookshanks flying out of Hermione's room and down the stairs to find a better place to sleep. Hermione eventually caught Pig and read the untidy letter.


How are you, love? Sorry I haven't been writing much, I have been with my family, who have been trying to do some important things I needed to help with. Unfortunately, I have been unable to write to anybody.

There is a memorial service and funeral for Fred on August 1st and we would like you to join us as you feel like a part of our family. Please do come, I need you.

Has Harry told you about the special "meet-up" lunch on 30th August at his? Ginny is moving in with him after the service for Fred.

Please please please come to the memorial service. Some of our friends and family are apparating in so there isn't too much of a problem getting you here and back. I would say use that fellytone to talk to us but we don't have one anymore; Dad's taken it apart. Please ask your parents if you can come, it means a lot if you can.

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