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Draco Malfoy was sat in his chair in his bedroom; bored. The fireplace in front of him was home to a dull flame, going out. Suddenly, there was a burst of ashes, and a face appeared in the flames. Draco nearly fell out of his chair in surprise. It was Bellatrix. He swallowed; what if she found out he was in love with Hermione? This was bad, this was really, really bad. Draco was worse than dead.

"Draco...." she whispered in that soft dangerous voice. "We have a little job for you..."

He swallowed again, looking a bit worried. Bellatrix suddenly stepped out of the flame.

"Come...." she said, taking his wrist and pulling him through the flames.

They appeared in the Ministry of Magic, which was crawling with Death Eaters, smiling at him.

"Now, these lovely people used the Resurrection Stone to bring me back, as they will do with The Dark Lord, and Snape." she explained, pulling him through the crowd. "We're going to get started by getting rid of these filthy mudbloods. Come!" she demanded, pulling him by the wrist harder, towards the cells. Draco's heart beat faster and faster, fear flooding through him for the first time in months.

The cells inside were full of Muggle-Borns, some being tortured by fellow Death Eaters. They were mumbling something that sounded like "welcome back Draco". Right at the very end, Draco spied Hermione.

"Now Draco, this little mudblood is an enemy to the Death Eaters, so we want to get rid of her, but not quite yet. We've got her parents as well, and we're going to kill them very soon. But first, we want to have a little bit of fun!" Bellatrix laughed, and reached for her wand.

"No!" Draco yelled. Bellatrix turned and looked at him, wide eyed.

"I'll do it! I've always hated the filthy mudblood Granger!" he said, sounding like he was all those years ago. Bellatrix laughed.

"Good boy, Draco! You show her! I'll leave you to it!" she said, and walked away to torture some poor other innocent soul.

Draco walked into the cage, masked like some of the other death eaters. Hermione stood up, being brave, ready to face pain. Draco removed the mask, and she gasped, before flinging herself upon him. He smiled.

"Missed you. The school's been closed." he murmured. Hermione sniffed.

"I've been here 2 days, but I always knew you would come for me. I've not been afraid because I knew you would come for me..." she cried onto his shoulder quietly.

"I thought you were dead, but this is far worse. This is my worst nightmare, you here like this..." Draco whispered into her ear. Hermione pulled away.

"You won't let them get away with this, will you?" she asked.

"Hurt my girl? I would never allow it." he whispered, and left. "I'll be back for you...count the minutes..." he said, before walking away, leaving Hermione.

Out of one of the fireplaces, Bellatrix appeared pulling two people with her, a man and a woman. She was laughing.

"Now, we have your sweet little daughter!" she cackled, as she threw them onto the floor. "Don't we, Draco!" she shrieked, realising he was there. "Go and get the Granger girl!" she commanded. Draco felt sick; these people were her parents, being kidnapped and tortured, taken away from their home. A Death Eater stepped in front of Draco.

"Bellatrix, he may be like his father!" he demanded. Draco looked a bit worried, and the Death Eater laughed. Bellatrix joined in.

"Draco, your father wasn't the kind of Death Eater material we needed, so he was disposed of." she said, as if it was an everyday thing. Draco's eyes burned fire; he was finally rid of his father? The one person who stopped Draco from having any fun and being with Hermione? But, his father, the one his mother loved. Had loved, until he turned out to be a bad egg. The baddest egg any bad egg could be; DEAD!? The Death Eater who stepped in front of Draco had gone to get Hermione, and he came back at the door. Bellatrix saw, and stopped laughing almost immediately. She grabbed Draco's wrist and pulled him over to Hermione.

Dramione; A Battle Worth FightingWhere stories live. Discover now