Hermione's Halloween Fun

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Halloween was fast approaching. Hermione had never really cared for Halloween celebrations that much, but secretly, she remembered Halloween as the start of a glorious friendship between herself, Harry and Ron. It was also the night when Lily and James Potter were murdered by Lord Voldemort. Hermione understood that sometimes Harry thought it was wrong to celebrate on the day something so terrible had happened 18 years ago.

Draco was reading the notice board in their private common room when Hermione entered through the "Castle Grounds" door.

"There's going to be a Halloween fancy dress party for the 7th years," he said. "Fancy dress....what're you going to wear for it? Halloween is next Saturday!" he asked when Hermione came over.

"I have a "make your own costumes for any occasion" book. It's a muggle one, but I'm sure we can make something with a little bit of magic..."

Hermione walked over to the bookshelf and picked it up. She turned to the Halloween section, and looked through the women's costumes. On one of the pages, she stopped, and stared at the woman in the picture. This was the one. She gave the book to Draco, who started to flick through the pages as well. He stopped on one of the pages. Hermione peered over the page, and saw he was pointing at Count Dracula.

"This one?" he asked, as if he thought he needed permission for it.

"You can have whichever one you like; I'm not in charge of costumes, am I?" she laughed, and went to get some Gryffindor red sheets....

For the next week, Hermione spent all her spare time doing the costumes. From Hogsmeade, she ordered some sparkling sequins, which were magically stitched over every inch on her Gryffindor red spare sheets. She also made the Count Dracula costume, but made some tweak to it; it would be green and black instead of red and black; she called the costume the Slytherin Dracula. Using magic, she made her costume and Draco's; she had never bothered to learn to sew, but she took the time to knit - in 5th year she did knitting as a hobby and a chore, if you put it in the context of trying to free all the Hogwarts house elves.

Hermione hadn't said what she was going to wear for the Halloween party, so she made her costume in her dormitory, away from Draco, in case he came peeking. On the cupboard where she kept all her costume pieces, she put a password charm on the doorhandle, so it let in only her to her password. It was protected from the alohamora charm, and bombarda maxima. She really didn't need another blown-up door.

Everybody wanted to know what the Prefects were going to wear. Ginny Weasley cornered Hermione after class.

"You never speak to me! How is it with Malfoy?"

"Oh...um...well, I manage. I keep myself to myself and keep my own things to myself."

"What are you going to wear for the Halloween Party?" Ginny asked curiously.

"It's a surprise. I'm still making it but I'm nearly finished." Hermione replied. Ginny walked away with her friends to go to a study group. Hermione left for the common room.

At the black table was the Count Dracula costume, almost finished; Hermione had 5 more hours to finish both costumes at the most. She had been asked with Draco to help set up the castle grounds for the Halloween Party tomorrow, so there would be no question on finishing the costumes on the day of the party.

Hermione started to use her wand to stitch up the final few seams on the costume. Within a few minutes it was done. Draco had just walked in.

"Try it on," Hermione asked him. "It's finished." He did try it on, and it fitted really well, with only one or two puckers; but that wasn't bad, it was her first time making clothes. Draco took it off to keep it clean, and hung it up on the back of his bedroom door. He then went to bed, bidding Hermione goodnight. Once he was gone, Hermione went into her own bedroom and pulled out her costume. Not finished. Now that Draco was in bed, she could work on it all night if she needed to. Laying it out on the black table made it easier than on red bedsheets, and there was no longer the risk of sewing it into her bed. The sequins sparkled in the light of the fire, and Hermione set to work. She was also making her high heeled shoes (from Bill and Fleur's wedding the previous year) red and sparkling with sequins. She lowered the heel a little for her comfort, and started to make her tights. They were black and mostly transparent, with lace at the top, stopping just at the hem of the skirt.

Early the next morning, Hermione finally finished her costume. Like Draco, she hung it up on the back of her bedroom door. It was still far too early to go walking around the castle, or do much in case she woke up Draco. Instead, she started to rummage through her beaded bag. Most of it had been emptied, but she was looking for something. Her hand brushed across it, and she pulled it out of the bag; her make-up box. Hermione fingered the latch and flipped it open. Inside was red sparkling lipstick, a paler foundation and her hair products which she didn't use everyday. She decided to start to get ready at 6:10, and walk through the door to the party at 7, since it was a very short walk.

At 7am, Draco walked into the common room to find Hermione dozing lightly in one of the comfortable armchairs. He could see her hands were red from the stitching all night; he took her hand and smoothed them with his fingers. She woke slowly at his soft touch.

"Morning. Going to get ready for breakfast?" he asked her, letting go of her fingertips.

"It's 7am already? Sorry, I was up until gone 3am this morning finishing my costume and making some shoes." Hermione whispered, still waking up. She stood up, and went into her bedroom to get dressed.

After breakfast, Hermione and Draco had to help set up for the party. Firstly, they helped Ginny, who was organising the entire party, set up the marquee. Ginny was furious that Malfoy was stood next to her levitating the turrets. She even lost her temper when it sagged.

"Urgh! It's a simple levitation spell! Get it right, Malfoy!" she screamed. Malfoy lost his cool.

"Blood traitor Weasley girl!" he screamed back at her. Hermione looked horrified at him. Ginny stalked off to help Hagrid with his pumpkins, taking several other students with her.

"Draco....did you loose your temper at her?" Hermione whispered.

"I am trying Hermione. She just didn't need to tell me I was doing it wrong like that; I was trying to do a non-verbal spell and she was distracting me!" he protested.

"I understand how you were trying to concentrate, but please apologise to Ginny. It will feel much better when you do."

Hermione wasn't too sure if Draco apologised to Ginny, but she completed her work in time. Once done, she went into the common room and decided to get ready....

WHAT DO YOU THINK HERMIONE WILL WEAR TO THE HALLOWEEN PARTY? AND HAS DRACO APOLOGISED TO GINNY FOR CALLING HER A BLOOD TRAITOR? COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK! Thanks for reading guys, I appreciate the views; this is my most successful Wattpad publication yet!

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