Moving On and Starting New

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Two days later, Harry Potter, Ron and Ginny Weasley came to Malfoy Manor to see Hermione. There was crying, and hugging, and a little bit of kissing (Draco and Hermione's doing). George, Mr and Mrs Weasley and Hagrid came around later in the day. Some people brought gifts for Hermione, as she was still incredibly upset; wouldn't you be? But there was something amazing that happened.

Without anybody noticing, Ron left Malfoy Manor to go and fetch Lavender Brown, his girlfriend. He then returned with her, and he got everybody outside.

"We doing it then, Ron?" Harry asked, shuffling with bits of paper. Hermione and Draco were stood together, a little confused. Lavender was holding Ron's hand, but she too was a little bewildered that people were pulling out pieces of paper.

"Yep, we're doing it!" Ron said, taking a deep breath and turning towards Lavender. Harry came out of the crowd of guests with Ginny at his side. On a table beside the crowd was a muggle film projector, and a screen a couple of feet away. Ginny pulled her wand out of her pocket, and waved it slightly. Chairs pulled up on either side of the table, and everyone sat down (well, Hagrid stood at the back).

"Ron, what are you doing?" Lavender asked, sitting down next to him. He tapped his nose and smiled. The film started, and a voice came up.

"Miss Brown, you have been secretly filmed on a special hidden camera by your parents and by your lover!" said the voice. Lavender looked shocked as the first video came up.

It showed Lavender walking down the beach, holding Ron's hand (Ron was filming this, so he wasn't quite seen) and talking. The second showed Lavender making a cake with Ron, and her parents filming it. She was laughing as she put some of the mixture on Ron's nose. The third showed Christmas Day, and she was opening her presents with Ron, and kissing him to say thanks for the gifts.

The video stopped, and Harry stood up in front of the screen as the film projector turned off.

"If Ron's love for you was an ocean, none could cross it."

Ginny stood next to him.

"If Ron's love was a holiday, you'd need several camping kits."

George stood up, and looked as if he was about to cry.

"If I were Ron, you'd be my significant other."

Luna Lovegood apparated in, and stood next to Ginny.

"If I were you, Ron to me would be like a brother."

More friends apparated in, reading lines of a poem until Lavender stood up with Ron....who got down on his knee.....and produced a little box from his pocket....and asked the biggest question he could ever ask, to the cheers of family and friends, when he asked Lavender Brown;

"Will you marry me?"

Harry and Ginny had their moment too, and announced the date of their wedding; August 2nd, to even more cheers of family and friends before having some firewhiskey. Hermione and Draco were the only young couple not to have their moment. They sat just a little away from the big crowds, keeping to themselves. Ginny came over, and sat by Hermione.

"Hermione, Harry and I wanted you to be one of our bridesmaids...." she began. Hermione smiled, and Draco hugged her. There was happiness where there was sadness.

The Hogwarts School Year did not continue, but N.E.W.T students came back to do their exams for a few days, before going back to their families. Of course, Hermione and Draco passed. Hermione now lived with Draco and Narcissa, and she sold her parent's house. To whom? Ron and Lavender, who were to be married 24th August. Hermione didn't feel jealous in the least; Lavender now had to put up with his bad habits! Hermione, of course, had Draco. So, to cut a long story short;

All was Well.

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