chapter 8 : figuring it all out

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   closing your eyes, you found yourself drifting off to sleep.

shaking, you found yourself in a very vivid dream.

do-shik was standing above you with a knife in his hand, spinning it recklessly above your head, giggling.

  you cringed as he picked his teeth roughly with the sharp point of the knife.


  you woke up and looked around you. it was the same room, nothing different. these capturing white walls were driving you crazy.

  tears were streaming down your face as you recalled your situation. why you? out of all people?

  you had no one to contact, no one to talk to, you needed words of comfort so badly, but there wasn't anyone. empty. thats it.

  its like (a/n : A POLAROIDDDD LOVE) you were the last person on earth.  struggling to provide strength to keep yourself going because no one else could.

  sitting up, you paced around the room, remembering something from earlier.

  the keys. the keys that you saw through the slit. the waistband. that was your goal. the goal was to figure out how to get those keys.


  hours have passed, and you are still trying to figure out how to get the keys, forming a plan slowly but surely.

  when do-shik is to unlock the slit next, you will ask him a simple question. "are you in love with me?"

  after you ask him the question, according to your assumptions, he will stay near the slit a bit longer. either standing there in silence, or answering the question.

  during this time, you will slowly unclip the waistband from his body and slide it into the slit silently.

  there were many flaws in the plan, he could look down to see your small finger reaching out of the slot. he could feel the waistband detaching from his body. or even worse, he could hurt you.

  you gulped at those ideas, but shook them off as you tried to think of positive outcomes.

  but how would you even get out? yes you could stick some of your fingers through the slit and unlock the door, but where would you go from there?

  you were completely unaware of what the outside of the room looked like.

  it could lead to exposed grassland, more rooms, a full on home, or really anything. if only you wouldn't have fallen asleep when he brought you there. would it be different?

  grabbing your hair, you stood up when you heard rattling at slit.

  you ran to it quickly and crouched down so your eyes were aligned with his waist once again.

  he slid a plate through and you looked down at it. there was a hamburger and fries. junkfood.

  you were surprised by the food but accepted it gratefully.

  "do-shik, are you in love with me?" you almost stuttered while speaking to him but held it back as you didn't want to sound non-sincere.

  you saw his waist glued in place. perfect timing. you slid three fingers under the slot and slowly detached the band from his waist.





a strange stalking ( do-shik x reader ) - DISCOUNTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now