Chapter 12

1K 21 2

3rd Pov

Inko goes upstairs and knocks on the door of Katsuki's nesting room.

MInk: It's Inko. Can I come in?

There was a bit of silence.

BK: .......ok

She enters and sees Katsuki in his in nest cuddling up, his face on the underside, with a giant red shark with blankets covering him. His scent slightly sour, an indication that he's upset. There are other scents lingering off the blankets, pillows, and plushie.

MInk: Hey Katsuki. What was that about?

BK: *sniff* I don't know. I mean, one point I'm yelling at the Hag and the next, I'm just crying.

MInk: It's just your hormones out of whack.

BK: I guess you middle agers really do still use that slang.

MInk: I'm not that old.

BK: Sure.

MInk: Is there anything else. You know, I'm an omega too. I've also been pregnant before.

BK: *sniff* Yeah but did you ever carry the baby of someone you don't know anything about? Not even his real fucking shitty ass name? What if I'm not good enough for them?

His voice cracked a bit.

MInk: W-well no, but it does take a lot of courage to do that. And just like you, I practically had to raise Izuku all by myself once his father left.

BK: Don't worry. He was an asshole. Ya shouldn't have ta worry about that bastard.

MInk: Heh. Yeah. I shouldn't. And I don't. But what's important is what this baby is going to be for you. How they're going to change your life. If they'll make you happy. There are lots of things that are going to change. It will be rocky, of course, but there will be amazing moments.

BK: Like?

He pokes his head out from the shark and looks at Inko with glossy eyes.

MInk: Well, when they're born, when they open their eyes for the first time, the first smile and laugh, when they crawl, their first steps, their first word, when they go to school, college, birthday's, their wedding, grandchildren too. Even making an album of them. Since they'll be your baby, I'm sure they'll be super adorable and cute.

BK: *smiles* Thanks for that Auntie. You're right. I'll be able to make lots of memories with them. They'll be the light of my life. Probably.

MInk: Great. Ready to go eat?

BK: Yeah.

They both leave his room and go back downstairs.

BMit: Good thing you guys are back. Now let's eat before the food gets cold.

Everyone: Thank you for the food.

After everyone finishes eating, they go to the living room and begin to talk.

MInk: Katsuki?

BK: Yes?

MInk: Izuku wanted to tell me something important, but I had to hurry here. Do you know what it is? Or at least an idea?

Katsuki knew exactly what it was. 'So the nerd finally decides to tell his mom.'

BK: You'll have to hear it from himself. I'm not saying anything.

MInk: *sigh* I thought that would be the case. Alright then. How about you? What's been going on lately?

BK: I've reached 5 weeks and in 7 more, they be able to identify the gender. We'll also be building the crib next Saturday, but we decided to decorate it once we figure out the gender.

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