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TW// Underage drinking & drug use, drug use, mentioned arson?, NSFW jokes/references, religion, use of 'poof' & 'queer', harassment, homophobia

"A tour?" Tubbo asked as he pushed the hair out of his eyes. It was times like this he wished he owned hairclips. The wind was the strongest it had been all month and, of course, it was the one day the trio decided they were going to do what normal teenagers do and go around the local shops. It was always a relief when they would step in to cover.

Ranboo wasn't bothered as the gods somehow favoured him and blew the hair out of his eyes. Fucking saint of a man who can do no wrong. Tommy, he just ate his hair because he couldn't be fucked to push it back. Wilbur was right... he was a gremlin.

Tommy nodded as he walked into an emo-like store. Ranboo liked their jackets. "Yeah, Bad seemed to be really keen on taking us on so we agreed. It was funny. We read over the contract that was delivered to Phil the next day together and it had no suspicious fine print of conditions. He's a big name in the industry so I've learned."

"Really happy for you, Tom" Ranboo smiled as he scanned through a shirt rack, looking up momentarily to look at his friend. Tommy smiled back at him.

"We'll be your groupies" Tubbo laughed from beside him. "Think this place has hair ties?"

"Your mum would kill you if you left for months" The blonde laughed. The older boy wandered around the shelves, scanning for anything that could keep his hair back– If he found any, Tom was so going to use them too.

"Niki'd be fine with it" The oldest shrugged before moving over to the next rack.

That was true.

Ranboo had complete freedom over his life, neither sibling liked trying to restrain him as their parents already did that for him. They both knew what it was like to be sheltered and didn't want that for their younger brother.


"Wants me to get out of the house more. She claims I spend too much time 'perfecting my makeup skills' or whatever that means" He rolled his eyes. Tommy let out a short laugh.

"I mean, I think we need an opening act and both of you have siblings in the Syndicate..."

"Oh! If Foolish went I totally could too!" The brunette yelled from his side of the shop. The shopkeeper tossed him a dirty look that didn't bother the other.

Not much could bother Tubbo.

"I'll talk to Wilbur. I know that the guys all are close with the Syndicate and Wilbur is really close with Niki and Jack. So, maybe it could work? I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

"You overdose, Tubbo blows something up and I get hate crimed," The blonde and darker brunette turned to their friend. He looked up at them and stared blankly. "What?"

"Hate crimed?"

"You think I'd overdose?!"

"To be fair, Tubbo liked to blow up things when we were younger, Tommy you smoke and drink a lot and hate crimed because... uuuuuuh..." He shifted his eyes over to the shopkeeper who was watching them. They probably looked sketchy from what they were discussing. "Y'know, I look like this...?" It was more of a question.

"You know what," the shortest of the group pointed an accusing finger with narrow eyes. "You're right"

Tubbo turned around and began to walk away. The blonde turned to his tall friend who let out a relieved breath before looking down at him. They were both thinking the same thing. Ranboo nodded his head a few times before stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets and following, Tom close behind him.

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