Almost Eternity

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Almost Eternity

But not quite yet you. You, loved, ever impressionable ever stand betwixt some nonsensical lenses, these glasses make things much less real—and when it warps reality, no-nonsense. I’m just here to learn, learn that I lost something echoes ago. Ignorant designs. God your eyes. They planted inside some wonderlusts, was me—waiting for a bit of eternity, just almost eternity, and they supplement some cold child, some ghoulish styles. No, you can’t enjoy these pleasures, as much as you can love Latin babble, and yet, my love, you’re world, is just such a sacred world for me, I want to make sure we can not run away, that life is beyond a version of fanfiction. Lord, I guess we make our own choices. Goddamnnnn. You can see right through the ambiguity. The diffusion of every molasses thoughts, are just as sacred as texts of the Holys, were mighty feet fall asunder beneath those folding waves of underneath texts complete with apathetic allegorical waves and yet considerably generous sounds and microscopically crowfooted smiles, where you smile with your eyes and sometimes I discover there is an ancient regime .

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