Aa Zara kareeb se

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" Really Mr Raisinghania , I can't tell you how happy and elated I am to see you......"

Vansh smirked as the man infront  him went on saying good things about him , or particularly Vihann . Did that stupid take him for a fool ? Coz , only a fool can let go of the evil glint that shone through the man's eyes . Unfortunately, Known to be a powerfull member of the board , Vansh was forced to have a conversation with him . So , though unwillingly , he obliged to bear the torture

" Oh , it's so evident Mr kundra . Surely you could not be more obvious . "

Tilting his head slightly Vansh said looking into his eyes . Taught from the hardships that - 'believe more in the manner of eyes and less in the talks ' . And Vansh Raisinghania was exactly doing that .

Done with all the introduction or say reintroduction in the world's eyes - He was taken into his Cabin by Krishna Raisinghania , accompanied by the manager and some other staff .

              All the way to his office , Vansh's heart was beating like crazy . No one but himself ,knew the importance of the moment . Outwardly appearing calm and composed , Vansh Raisinghania hid  emotions of storm within

" Aayiye Vihaan . "

Oh god .... She had to ruin the moment for him right ! Couldn't his so called dadi remain mum for a second . Suddenly the feeling of accomplishment was replaced by anger within . But , at the spur of the moment , he kept himself in control .

On the other hand ,the manager held the door for him , as he and Krishna Raisinghania entered the cabin .And dare he say ,  It's new energy hit him with full force .

Filled with adrenaline , Vansh at once took in the place - lightened up by the natural sunrays coming from the big transparent glass wall at his left side . Away from it , the desk was arranged at the centre , coupled with a big king sized chair . All in all , filled up by expensive things . Yet not the luxury , but the power it held  attracted VR . And surprisingly , all of them including Krishna Raisinghania left him . But then he was thankfull . As he wanted to live the moment in peace without anyone maligning it .

The door clicked shut , as everyone went out leaving him there . Trembling , he forwarded his feet to go near the big chair . As soon as he got closer, Vansh caressed the headrest than slightly downwards to the armrest

" I wish you were here maa , then I won't have to have this achievement all to myself "

His face full of wonder from before had turned to serious now . His face clearly depicted , how much he missed his mother and wished her to be here .

         " But , no worries maa , you just wait and watch how..

He paused , swirled the chair once then twice and after which he took the seat .

How I take revenge from each and one of them "

Vansh Raisinghania completed the sentence as a madness took over his handsome face . Surely a lot was going inside his head , but only he knew how will he execute it . And to go further In same direction , he called Angre .

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