I love pran

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         I wake up with sound of alarm but I don't set the alarm today.

       I move to stop the alarm but before I try to move Pat hugs me tightly.

      Pat we can sleep more but i stop the alarm first so you can cuddle with me all day...

     I saw pat pouts here comes baby Pat...

     He slowly loose hug....

      It's not my phone it was Pat's phone.

      I stopped the alarm check the time it still early so I again laid down next to Pat.

      I continue to sleep while cuddle with my favourite person...

  Pat's POV:_

            I feel like i was hugging a cloud so soft so warm smell so good...

       I opened my eyes..

Now I feel best not only now everytime.

   When Iam with Pran i feel happy pran was a person who understands me more than i understand about myself.

        He always pampered me as I was still baby.

       Nags me more than my mother do.

      Pran never believe if i said his cooking was best but whenever I eat his food i feel pleasent....

         Pran worry about me for thinking about others than myself but i learn it from pran at start i thought how can someone be so selfless and kind but i also saw some people take his selfless as advantage.

       I want to protect pran i want to be there for him always i want everything best happens in pran life.

       Cause he deserves it.

  His smile all i need in my life to see his dimple smile...

       One of the best gift god gives me was pran's friendship...

        But i know it not just a friendship i want from him...

          After we got into our college life i not able to see him as much has before it just two weeks but i missed him so much. The distance i not able to be with it...

        I want to see his smile everyday and want to there for him everyday.

        But i don't know why i feeling like this yesterday i talk to pa about my new feeling i having for pran.

         At the end of talk i was shocked about the feeling i had for pran.

        My feelings for him it not just friendship.

      It's more than that...

      I love pran i don't know when It developed but i want to be my pran.

    As a life partner....

    Iam gonna tell my feelings to him today...

      I was accept whatever he chose.

      But without him i not able imagine my future....




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