Happy as always

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      Life was good but it was better when you are with someone who makes you happy....

          If i depends on a person who understands and make me all lovely feel and make your a good at choose a person who your with right now....

              You know this feeling of what means your Happy as always.

          That's what I feel i was happy with a person who makes me happy...

              We are not always perfect for eachother but it's just how we are loves just the way how we being ourselves....

          We learn what is life we learn more about eachother every day we understand better about our life....

         We are not always playful has before but we still play together as always makes eachother happy in little sweet moments....

         Which are good.....

        That what life Love was not about life it not like without love a person who you can say he or she was your lover....

        But Love is feeling which you feel when you feel connected to the person.

          I feel that connect....

          For me i feel better my life being with him was better i can be able to be here just as myself...

        Still felt all the love with just one look....

         And i keep fallen Deep in love with him....

         And i know my happiness was him.

       And it would always....






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