Chapter 1

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                     (Y/N)'s POV

                               I just landed in the NGL so hopefully no hunter can find me in a country there all Technology is band. Hello my name is (Y/N) and I'm a one eye ghoul, and your probably wondering more about me. I'm one of very few ghouls out there in the world and I'm kinda like there king, its complicated but to the world I'm known as the one eyed owl a SSS rank ghoul and the most wanted one out there in the world. I'm also a published author but that's a story for another time right now I flew to the NGL to hopefully hide from hunters for god knows how long. I landed on the beach and I flew hundreds of miles with no rest makes you Exhausted so I'm doing what anyone would do, I complain "oh my god!, why can't those stupid humans leave me alone!" So ya I'm pretty mad about it, I got up and started walking into the forest and after a few minutes walking I came across a river and I started following it and like any human village its going to be near the river. After an hour of walking I heard a voice coming from a gave near the River, I walked to it and I hear a voice and it said "I need to survive, I need to give birth to the king!" I arched my brow at that and I don't know why but I went inside and what I saw someone didn't scare me, I saw a humanoid giant ant creature and it somehow said "great better food" I then said "hey!, I'm not food!" To what I assume she's shocked that I answered back and she asked "how can you understand me?" I replied "I don't know" for some reason I sat down and I was facing her and I asked "what are you?" She replied "I am the Chimera ant Queen, now what are you?" I activated my ghoul eye and I said "I am the Ghoul king, the one eyed owl but you can call me (Y/N)" she looked at me more and she said "your interesting I never heard of your kind but I feel a primal connection with you, like we are blood" I thought about it and I remembered doing a book that has chimera ants in them so I know what there Capable of and I'm surprised there's one that is on the same level of intelligence as me and humans.
                                I sat there for a few minutes and I said "well there's a theory that Ghouls are related to Chimera ants but its not proven until now". She looked like she thought about it and she said" maybe " I noticed she was injured but I don't see the missing appendage so I can't use my ability to heal it, I then noticed all the fish on the ground and a few rats and Squirrels and I asked "do you require more food for your offspring?" She looked at me and was Hesitant to answer until she asked "why are you helping me?" I looked down and I slumped my shoulders and I said "well we have a few things In common, besides our biological point we are not welcome with the current heads of the food chain, my kind are hunted down and killed most of the time, so I guess we can help each other" she looked dumbfounded by this and thought about it and she said "I Accept your deal, but what about your people?" I replied "there are very few of us anyway and I never knew my family so I have nothing" she looked at me and at her stomach and she rubbed it with her hand and said "how about I adopt you into my Colony as my daughter?" I was actually surprised mainly because we just meat and all that and I kinda thought about it. To be honest I've fined chimera ants very fascinating and with me being a hunter helps me with learning more about them and to see these ants advance I would love to see how fare they go in this world. I looked to her and said "I expect,, Mother" she to what I assume is smiling anout wonder how its going to play out.
                               It has bing a few weeks since I first came here and I've bing hunting animals for my adopted mother aka the chimera queen. She have bing laying the eggs of the first generation which will serve as Soldiers and drones, right now the first one is about to hatch and out came a huge grab monster and to be honest I'm amazed by this creature. Mother then said "the first of our army, what do you think my daughter?" I replied "I find it fascinating with this hunting will be easy" my mother nodded and she ordered the monster "find me more food so I can give birth to the king" the monster Obeyed. I went with the monster to see how it will act in the wild, I put on my bandages and Cloak to hide my appearance in case of humans, it has bing following the river until it came across two little children, two humans. The older boy was trying to protect the younger girl but the monster killed them both, I walked to the drone and I said "wait a minute" he obayed and I took a leg from the boy and an arm from the girl and I said "ok take the rest to Mother" he obayed and we started heading back to the cave, after we came home the drone gave the human meat to the Queen and she said "yes, this meat is so delicious and Nutritious, the best fotter, I must consume more of this Species" I was munching on the boys leg and I said "that's human meat, humans are the dominant race of this world and the only food we ghouls can eat" Mother looked at me and said "you didn't tell me about this meat" I replied "I wasn't shure how fare the nearest town is but now I know" I got up and I motioned the newly hatched drones and I said "ill be back to get more meat" she nodded and I went out to hunt. The next day I saw Mother looking at one of the eggs and I said "is it about to hatch?" She nodded and once it did a humanoid bird ant emerged but what surprised me was that it can talk. He said "my Queen" mother replied "oh, you can speak can you" he replied "yes my Queen, so I can fully Receive, understand, and Execute your orders as well as the king" I then chimed in and I said "you know who I am" I showed him my ghoul eye and he replied "yes, my king" Mother was pleased by this and she said "that Pleases me, in that case I hear by Assign you to be a Squadron leader" he replied "I am most grateful" I smiled knowing our army is growing and then my mother ordered him "your first mission is to lead all the soldiers her to capture my food, I want you to capture more of the highly Nutritious organism's for me" he replied "I shall" he then left to get more humans.
                           The next day everything is starting to get into motion the builder drones started to build the hive and so fare its only the one ant as our squadron leader but soon the others will hatch. I desided to take our only one squadron leader into my own hands, my nen ability is called Lilith and its a Specialist ability that can heal me from any wound even if its my head being chopped off, by using it it makes worms and it reattached me so I wonder if I can use this Artificially make ghouls to increase our ranks. The Squadron leader returned and I walked to him and he bowed and he said "my king" I motioned him to get up and I said "I have orders for you" he nodded and said "anything for the king" I then said "before giving the meat to my mother I need a body to test something and I need the best one" he nodded and thought about it for a minute until he said "there is one that stock out to me" I arched my brow and asked "why so?" He replied "she almost looked dead on the inside and we found her tied up in a home in the woods" he then motioned for a drone to bring the girl and I saw what he ment. The girl looked dead in the eyes, I looked her over her body and I can see by looking at her arms and ankles that she was tied up for a long time and by the looks of her inner thighs its Obviously can tell what those humans did to her, It disgusts me and besides the, lets call it thing, she has good Muscle span and I think she makes a perfect text subject. I motioned the drones to follow me and we made it to a part of the cave I call my own until the hive is complete, I then ordered "put her there" I pointed to a spot on the ground and they dropped her there. The Squadron leader then asked "what do you intend to do my king?" I smirked and said "you'll see" I then Kneeled down next to her and I check her pulse its weak but there, perfect. I then enhanced my cells and aura to make a worm and in my hand is a creepy looking worm and I told the girl "I'm going to give you a choice, to die the way those humans want you too or live and be my subordinate and live the life you want to live, its your choice" she turned her head to look at me and I showed her my ghoul eye, I don't know why I did thoe I never show it to humans unless I trust them. She couldn't speak but she mouthed the words "freedom, I want freedom" I smiled and said "you won't be a slave to no one and in return I want you to lead a squad, blink once for yes I want it and blink twice for no I don't want it" she thought about it for a few minutes and she blinked once. I smiled and I placed the worm on her and it stabbed its self into her and after a few minutes she started thrashing until someone started covering her and once it stopped I can see that its an egg, like the ones mother lays but this one is red, blood red.
                              I smiled wildly and the squadron leader was in shock an aw at what I've done and he asked "what did you just do?" I replied "if it works she'll be reborn into something not human, I thank no ill call this Process, the black Goat's egg". So I waited for the egg to hatch and all the while I track its prosses and I learned that in each phase it goes threw it gets blacker and blacker. Its bing about a week since I started the process and the egg is now is black as Obsidian and its bing pulsing so I assume its ready to hatch. The shell broke and out came a hand and then another until she pulled her self out and I saw the girl all fully healed and I can see her pale skin and short blue hair and toned body but her sent it smells of a ghoul. She was about to fall but I caught her and I brought her to a bed and once she sat down I then said " can you speak" she went to speak but she couldn't and I examined her vocal cords and I see they where cut to the point that not even a ghouls regen so I guess she's a mute for now on. I then said " try thinking it" she did and she said "dose this work?" I nodded and she sighed in relief and then she asked "what am i?"  I replied "your a ghoul now and my squadron leader, besides that your pretty much free now what's your name?" She answered "Rui, my name is Rui" I smiled and said "I like that name now you must be hungry" her stomach growled and she asked "what do we eat?" I answered "humans" she didn't looked horrified like I've expected but she looked like a predator. I snapped my fingers and a drone brought in a human more specifically the human who raped her. He was still alive but his arms and leggings where broken and his "sword" has bing removed and placed where the sun don't shine, he looked horrified and I gave her a sadistic smile and said "this is the man that chained you, that raped you, the human you made you nothing but a tool for is pleasure, dose make a great meal" her mouth was watering and she has two ghoul eyes and as if she had them her hole life her kaguna appeared and they are four spider like legs with the ends bein sharp and by the placement she's a Ukaku ghoul. She then had a face of anger and she said "this baster, NOW ITS YOUR TURN TO SCREAM!!" she jumped him Pearsing his flesh and Devouring him while he was alive screaming for help and all the while I watch I had a sadistic smile on my face. Once the screams died down Rui was covered in blood and she had a satisfied smile on her face and I said "welcome my Squadron leader" at that Moment I thought "this is only the beginning".

(A/N: sorry if its short when the chimera ants start in the NGL there's not Enough maternal to work with until the hive is built, but still I hope you enjoy)

An Owl king of Ants (HxH harem x One eyed owl ghoul futa reader)Where stories live. Discover now