Chapter 2

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                             (Y/N)'s POV

                                        Its bing hafe a month since the rebirth of Rui and the hive is complete and we have a lot more Scorching leaders but notinformation I was able to find three others but two of them are nen users, both of them where used as drug mules for that drug D, there nen is weird its like its one but I can tell there Transmuters by the way there nen moves to each other like there attached to each other, I find it fascinating. I decided to make them my royal guards and the third one was found in her home but she couldn't move her legs later I found out she was suffering a Disease that Permanently Paralyzed her but only her legs and not her entire wast. I desided to make her my second Squadron leader, right now I'm going threw the hive making shure everything is in tip top shape, I saw one of the Squadron leaders I get along with and he was a Penguins ant. He's very smart and thanks to finding a truck loud of books we have a Decent little library, I walked to him and he noticed me and he said "my king, what brings you here?" I replied "I'm just walking around, I have Rui Guarding the eggs I made and you'll be happy to know that we are getting another Squadron leader like Rui" he smiled and said "yes, that can greatly improve our gatherings if we have another ghoul Squadron leader by 25%" I nodded then he asked "but I heard you took three, what about the last two?" I answered "they seemed special and I believe that they make the Requirements of my royal guards" he was shocked by this new information and he said "with two royal guards along with the ones the Queen laid this can improve our movements by 45% but I wonder what a ghoul royal guard is like?" That got me thinking and I said "I dont know but they formed an egg two days ago so we'll find out in five days" he nodded and rote it down in a Journal to keep a record.
                                       We are not exactly friends but we are Intellectual Equals so we have some form of respect for two smart people. He then asked "why are your turning humans into ghouls my king?" I replied "I only give them a choice but I dont hate humans" he arched his brow and asked "why?" I answered "there are some humans that I can trust and that treated me like a normal person, besides a few, the rest formed a group and believe me there powerful" he was curious and he asked "who are these people?" I replied "they call themselves the Phantom troop" I then moved a little of my shirt to show the centur of my chest and it showed my spider tattoo with the number zero in the middle and I said "if you see a human with this tattoo with a different number there one of them" he nodded and said "ok ill make shure to tell the others about this" I nodded and I picked up a book and started reading it. After a few minutes the Turtle one came to us and once he saw me he bowed and said "my king I didn't expect you to be here" I nodded and said "I was reading a book but it can wait, why are you here?" He replied "I want to know something I saw today" the Penguin one asked "what was it?" He then described what he saw today and I knew Immediately what it was and that was a gun. I find it hard to believe mainly this is the NGL and its a Nature reserve so I can only think of one thing, those rumors about that drug being made in the NGL are true. This might be a problem the ants aren't bullet proof besides the turtle like ones but what worries me is they might have the metal thats harmful to ghouls given they have a country backing them up so this is trouble.
                                        The Penguin then said "what you saw was probably guns" the turtle one said "guns?" Penguin replied "to put it simply its a Barrel that launches small metal Project tiles or bullets with the explosive force of gun powder, its one of the commonly used human weapons". I nodded and the turtle said" I have no idea what your talking about " Penguin said "if you want to know more read these books, there wonderful and filled with quite useful information such as how humans think, act, and function as a Society" I nodded at that and the turtle said "then you can answer a question for me then, there's humans do they have army's too?" I answered that question "yes they do, why do you ask?" The turtle looked at me and said "because my king, one attacked us out there was an army, they belong to a military body led by a athoritative Figure much like us" he then looked like he remembered something and he continued "oh yes, they mention something about a name" Penguin was curious and decided to look it up in his book and he said "I see why your confused, its a human idea and one we don't use ourselves" I nodded and I added "like for example, my name is (Y/N), its like a way to identify an Individual person, for more ill let him explain" I motioned to the penguin and he started say more but I didn't listen as I walk out of the room. I then noticed the Alligator and the first Squadron leader by the entrance and I heard them say "it seems humans are more Capable then we thought, I was beginning to think they would just cry and run away" the first one then said "why dose that Surprise you, after all you and I are different ourselves, it just makes sense that humans are the same after all there blood runs threw our vains" I then jumped in and said "I couldn't say it better myself" the both of them then noticed me and the first got on one knee and said "my king, my apologies I didn't notice you there" I waved it off and said "its ok" he nodded and got up. I then said "and your right its basically the same for all living life" the Alligator then asked "even for ghouls?" I nodded yes and said "yes, thoe I'm a rare Exception" the first one raised his brow but didn't get a chance to ask when I high pitch ring appeared and I heard mother say "Squadron leaders assemble" I then looked to them and I said "lets go" we then left to go see what mother wants.
                                       We then Caught up with the rest and I heard the Cheetah one say "do you get a head ach every time she calls us or am I the only one?" The Lobster replied "no my ears start ringing every time I hear it" the hot Scorpion one then said "Ashamed really if only the queen can talk like we do". I then went up behind her and I started grouping her butt a little and she noticed this and was going to say something in anger but grew a blush once she saw I was doing it. She then said" m-my king, I d-didn't noticed you I'm sorry " I grouped harder and I said "its fine sexy" she blushed more and she seemed to enjoy my touch. Once we got there I stopped and we where before the Queen aka mother, she then said "I shall now begin Preparation for the birth of the king, everyday from this day forward you will deliver me Fifty humans" everyone obayed her order. The turtle then said "your majesty, may I asked a question?" Mother agreed and he said "among the humans are soldiers like ourselves my Queen with weapons to use against us, if I make a Suggestion, we must Fortify our Defenses in preparation for a attack, we have already come up with a few options would you care to hear them?" My mother then said "I will allow to decide your own course for now I must focus entirely on my son, if you have more questions on this matter please ask my daughter" she then pointed to me and I nodded and said "thank you mother and I agree, we should Fortify our defenses as soon as possible" the turtle nodded and said "it shall be done my king" the Turtle then changed the subject and said "one more thing, may we have your Permission to have names?" Mother then asked "and what is a name?" He then answered "its like a Label my Queen to identify us Individually" my mother thought about it for a few minutes and answered "fine do as you please" he was happy and after that all but I left as I went to mothers side. I then heard her say "Curious Creatures, there assertive and desire for things called names stings, they place a High value on Individualism yet strive for one another for the good of the Colony" I then said "it sounds like Society to me" she then thought about it and agreed with me. We then started walking to where the royal guards eggs are and mother said "I suppose I'm just as Peculiar to find this Chang fascinating, perhaps, just perhaps I too have faint Traces of human blood within me" I then added "I feel the same mother after all I'm hafe human" she nodded and we stopped at the eggs. The three ant ones are on the Ceiling while the two ghoul ones are on the floor with Rui watching them. Mother then said "Regardless, I can't help but feel great Anticipation, yes, I can sense you already, almost as if recalling a memory from my own past. I promise you this, you and your sister shall stand as the Pinnacle of all Species!"  I then noticed one of the ant ones moved and I said "looks like one of them is going to hatch soon" mother noticed this too and said "names, Amusing little things. The three Elite royal guards, I shall come up with a name for you myself" I then went to Rui and she noticed me and said "my king, came to check on them?" I nodded and I said "they didn't have a name right?" She then answered "they couldn't remember when I asked them" I nodded and I Kneeled down and I put a hand on there eggs and I said "ill name you two, Yashiro and Kurona" they moved a little after hearing that and I'm happy, but I couldn't help but worry about this army.
                                         I went to my room in the hive and its a big room where I do most of my planning, I then went to the map I made of the NGL and tried to figure something out. I was worried about the humans, they could be a hindrance in our planes, I was for the next five days. I was done planning and having Rui deliver a massage for the other Squadron leaders and I went to meet my new ghouls, I watched the hands bursting out of the each of the eggs, the first was my second Squadron leader once she burst out and she looked beautiful then the skeleton that was her human self. She has amazing pale skin with glowing Orange hair and I went to her and I helped her into a Wheelchair I made for her. Then the twins burst out, one has black hair and the other have pure white hair the one thing I noticed was that they each have only one ghoul eye, I put that to note and I have them site down and I said " I am (Y/N) the king" they nodded and the Squadron leader said " I am Rose, ill do what ever it takes to repay the debt I owe you" I nodded I turned to the twins and Yashiro said " I'm Yashiro your royal guard my king" Kurona then said " I'm Kurona, I'm also your royal guard " Rui was the one who found all three and she told me what happened to them and I'm not surprised. I then said " you must be hungry " I then see Rui along with a drone thats pushing a cart with three huge plates of human flesh and they activated there kaguna on instinct, the twins each had the same type they are Bikaku types with them coming out of there tail bones. Rose is a Rinkaku type with hers looking like monster hands, they Dig in to there meal and I told Rui "teach them what you know, I'm going to relax" she nodded and I went into my room. I went to my room and I find one of the Squadron leaders in there, this one was the hot Scorpion tailed one and I asked "why are you in here?" she replied "I came here for two things, one I pick a name for myself, its Zazan" I nodded and I said " and?" She then started to sway her hips in a Seductive way and she then grabbed my arm and putting it in between her breasts and she said "you've bing working hard my king allow me to help you relax" I was blushing and I gain a huge smile and I Immediately started a make out Session, I'm also Excited on what's about to happen.

An Owl king of Ants (HxH harem x One eyed owl ghoul futa reader)Where stories live. Discover now