Hermione's Birthday

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Hermione's POV
What was today, I know there is something about today.
"Happy birthday Hermione"
That's right it's my birthday, thank for helping me remember Ginny.
"Thanks Ginny"
I get up and grab my uniform and head for the bathrooms. This weekend is a Hogsmead weekend which is great because then I can buy a small gift for myself with the money my parents are going to send me like they do every year. I always feel more comfortable being able to use it soon rather than later or sending it back with the owl for it to be put in my safe at home. I quickly get ready and head down to the common room. It seems that my friends remember my birthday since there are gifts on my book I had accidentally left on a table the night before. Harry and Ron got me a shared gift of chocolate and a book about famous witches. I have a feeling the book was Harry's idea. Ginny's gift was a simple but nice necklace with a dragon on it, most likely because Ginny knows my wand core is dragon heartstring and they are my favorite magical creature. The boys came down shortly after me and we all headed to breakfast after the happy birthdays. I still do not like the nickname Mione they gave me but it is less irritating than it was. Breakfast went by as normal and classes began. Today is Friday which is great mainly because it's Hogsmead weekend so just one more day before we can go into town and shop.

Snape's POV
Why does it feel like something is going to happen today. I cannot think of anything I have forgotten. I get out of bed and quickly get ready all the while wondering what the feeling is about. I know I didn't forget anything and the champion drawing is still a ways away. There is a staff meeting today after classes and apparently it is mandatory, maybe the feeling has something to do with that. I head to breakfast early and talk with Dumbledore. I tried to figure out if anything was happening today but it seemed like that was not the case. The champions had not yet been picked so it couldn't be anything to do with that. The staff meeting was going to be a fairly basic one by the sound of it and there was no way the troublesome trio had found a way to get themselves in danger. As I eat breakfast I decided to put the feeling out of my brain and focus on classes since today could end in disaster. I need to be completely focused on keeping these dunderheads alive. The potions that would be made today were not dangerous if you brewed them right but knowing how these dunderheads are the likely hood was that I would have to deal with at least one blown cauldron. Finishing breakfast I left and got my classroom ready for the day. Classes went by fast and without a serious accident, surprisingly. Before I knew it the class period I always dreaded was here. Golden boy and his friends along with accident prone Longbottom; just the last people I want to deal with today. Although the Granger girl was not such a problem. She could competently brew a potion without it exploding and from what the others said about her she was a smart girl. Draco often complained that she was cheating because there was no way someone could be that smart. I had some hope she would be able to help teach golden boy and the ginger somethings but it seemed that was not the case.
The class was going fairly well until I saw that Neville added the wrong ingredient. His cauldron was going to blow and Granger was dangerously close to it since Neville had asked her to help after adding it, he was far enough away to be safe though of course. It seemed like the fool that caused the problem would almost never get the brunt of the explosion, something I always hated that about potions.
It's time to make sure Minerva's favorite doesn't die, after all Minerva would kill me if Granger gets hurt. Before I could think any more about what I was doing I yelled at Ms. Green grass to go get Pomfrey and I quickly grabbed Granger and covered both of us in my cloak which was made to allow the wearer survive potion explosions. I felt like I was on fire as soon as I touched her and there were sparks everywhere, which was not the reaction that should have happened with this mistake. Everything ended up fading to black as I collapsed still holding on to Hermione Granger, who had also blacked out.

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