Third Task

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Author's Note
Before reading the next couple of chapters if, as of September 19th 2024, you have not gone back and reread the previous chapters please do before moving forward. I have added some details that will be important to know before continuing.

Hermione's POV
The task starts in a couple minutes and I have never felt so nervous before. This was potentially the most dangerous thing we have done to date. The potion book is hidden in my robes and it feels like it's heavier than usual but that's most likely just in my head. I can see Snape and he looks like he always does but I swear I can see he is nervous as well. The champions start lining up to enter the maze and the magic projection is set up. I hope nothing goes wrong.

Severus' POV
This plan better work, or better yet not even be needed. I can see Granger and she has a schooled happy expression. I can tell she is nervous but she is good at not showing it. Maybe with a little more practice she could be almost as good as me. As the champions line up and the projection starts I silently hope this task only goes the way it's supposed to. Of course that is too much to ask for.

Harry's POV
Entering the maze felt like entering another world, it's alive and trying to kill me.

Narrator's POV
As the task goes on one then two sparks go up into the air. Victor and Fleur are taken out of the maze and brought to Pomfrey. As everyone is busy worrying about them Hermione all the sudden portkeys away.

Cedric's POV
Harry and I had agreed to grab the cup at the same time then we were standing in a graveyard.
This is not where we were supposed to land. What's going on and is that Potters friend. What, who is that coming out by a cauldron?
"Kill the spare"
I barely registered that a killing curse is coming when something massive steps in front of me, blocking me from being hit with the killing curse.

Harry's POV
Cedric and I had grabbed the cup but instead of being portkeyed to the stands like we were supposed to be we landed in a graveyard. Looking around I see a tombstone that reads Tom Riddle and notice a door by a cauldron. From the doorway steps Wormtail holding something that speaks and orders Wormtail to "kill the spare"  before I could register what that meant a giant creature was standing in front of Cedric.
Is that, no it can't be, how is there one here.

Hermione's POV
I landed a few feet from Cedric on his left, Harry was to his right. Cedric seemed to notice me but Harry didn't. In front of us was a door and a cauldron. Out of the door emerged Wormtail, the rat I should have let Crockshanks eat. I still find it creepy that he hid as a family pet for that long.  The little bundle he was holding ordered him to "kill the spare" and I knew he meant Cedric. With no time to spare I did something I told myself I would never do in front of others.
I called on my other heart and turned and stepped in front of the boys. I know the curse doesn't work on me in any form so it was not an ill thought out move. I'm ten times the boys' height like this so I try to be careful grabbing the cup with one of my claws but I accidentally scratch Harry causing him to bleed quite a bit. I can hear the bundle yelling and Wormtail slowly advancing while sending Avada after Avada at me. I get the boys portkeyed back to the stands then use my emergency portkey to get me back to my study room, which is big enough for this. I won't be able to turn back for a little while since I turned for danger and because my scales are slightly wounded from the curses. After landing I wandlessly send a patronus to Severus. No one knows secret but I know I can trust him not only with my secret but with helping me fix my wounds. If I turn back like this it could make things even worse.
While waiting for Snape I mentally Accioed the book he would need to understand what's going on, I hope he doesn't faint, then laid down to rest a little. I know he will probably have to deal with Harry and Cedric first.

Wormtail's POV
That mudblood, I'll be severely punished for not noticing. The only good thing about what happened is the evil boy who killed my master got cut and left some of his blood so I can still bring my master back. Then he can decide what to do with that mudblood.

Severus' POV
The boys had reached the cup, the projection of what was going on in the maze stopped but the boys didn't land where they were supposed to. As the minutes ticked by everyone grew anxious. Cedric's father was panicking and Dumbledore was trying to keep him calm. I could swear Madeye was smiling. We waited ten minutes before they came back, Harry had a massive cut down his arm and was babbling about something while Cedric was mostly silent and crying while hugging his father tightly.
Madeye ushered Harry off and I quickly went to Dumbledore telling him they should also go check on Harry. As we were heading to Madeye's rooms I noticed an otter patronus watching me from a hidden shadow. I do know anyone with an otter so I chose to ignore it for the time being. Hermione was also nowhere to be seen but I knew she must be alive since I am. I'll worry about that later as well.
When we got to Madeye's room he was attacking Harry, shaking, and yelling. I spelled him into a chair and noticed the shakes were from the wearing off of polyjuice, Hermione was right and so was I. Dumbledore sniffed the flask that Madeye always seemed to be carrying.
"It appears we have found who was stealing from your stores."
That was obvious
Once we found the real Madeye and help arrived to handle Barty Crouch Jr. Who had been the imposter I took my leave and finally went to follow the otter. I have no idea where it's leading me and normally I would be more cautious but something told me it was safe to follow. Maybe it's Ms. Granger's; that would kill two birds with one stone.

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