First Day of 11th Grade

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I woke up not wanting to and pushed my lazy but out of bed. I took a nice, warm, relaxing shower then changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a blue Aeropostale sweatshirt. I did everything else I needed to then walked downstairs straight into the kitchen where I found my mom wide awake. "Morning sweetie." My mom says as I sit on a bar stool connected to the kitchen counter. "Morning." I quickly say. 15 minutes later, Marisa, Taylor, Liam, and Cameron came downstairs ready for school. Marisa is a sophomore this year, Taylor is a freshman this year, and Liam and Cameron are both seniors this year. Liam and Cameron are twins. Fraternal twins. I don't know what I would do if they were to be identical. "Alright, I'm going to go now." I say standing up from the stool I was sitting on. "Yeah, we should get going." Taylor mumbles. Yeah, trust me, you don't want to be late for the first day of high school. I know. I pick up my bag and slip on my shoes. Liam gives me a ride to school instead of me walking in the chilly weather. You're probably wondering where my father is. I don't have one father passed when I was 10 years old. He was on his way to work one morning when all of a know the rest. A few minutes after the crash my dad was in, my mom gets a call. Tears streamed in a fast pace down her cheeks as I embraced her in a hug. She couldn't control herself. Now my mom cries out of nowhere from the thought of my father or she will dismiss herself at any time. The next thing I knew, I was crying almost every night in bed. My father was a great father and person in general. He always had my back. He always stood by me. Now, there's nothing left...nothing. He was my best friend. The only thing I ever wish for at night is to have my father back but I know that won't happen. A few minutes later, Liam parks the car in the NorthEast High-school parking lot. I hop out the car and make my way into the front doors of NorthEast High-school. The first step I take in the building, I get wounded by a bunch of ninth graders pushing and shoving. "Damn..." Is all I could manage to say. Unexpectedly, a pair of hands wrap around my waist. "I gotcha." He whispers into my left ear. Goose bumps make their way to my skin. He must have seen me struggling through the crowd of ridiculous ninth graders. A few seconds later, I finally got out of the unbelievable crowd of students and get to my original locker. I thanked the guy who helped me since I noticed he was still by my side. "No problem." He says. He has dark brown hair and brown chocolate eyes. Wasn't scrawny but muscular. "Football team I'm guessing?" I ask. "How'd you know?" I look down and up his body. I hear him chuckle lightly and I give a warmth smile as he returns a smile back showing his dimples. Out of nowhere the bell rings making both of us jump.
"I'll see ya around." He says. I slam my locker door shut and start to walk off to first period. I look at my schedule and see I have history first period. "Great." I say sarcastically underneath my breath. After 8th period, I make my way down the school hallways to lunch seeing the guy from earlier. He looks my way but I turn my head. "Hey, I never caught your name?!" He yells down the hall. Just when I know it, he's running down the hall towards me. I slow down my pace and let him catch up to me. "I'm Alex." I say once he reaches me. "I'm Joe...Joe Adams. Would you like to sit next to me at lunch?" He asks. "Yeah, sure." I respond. We walk to the cafeteria together, get our lunch, and find a table with a couple of our friends. Through the whole time of lunch, Joe and I got to know each-other. He has two sister's. One younger sister named Cassidy who is 10 years old and one older sister named Charlotte who is 29 years old. He has one brother named August who is 8 years old, one brother named Jasper who is 13 years old, and last but not least, one brother named Wesley who is 16 years old. His mom's name is Ali and his dad's name is Matt. I found out surprisingly that Joe Adams hates ketchup. What American doesn't like ketchup?! You know? That's ridiculous. Just saying...after 11th period, I headed out of NorthEast High. Once, the clock hit 9 pm, I drifted off into a deep sleep...

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