There For Me

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"I'm telling you to take your shot, it might be scary. Hearts are gonna break. Cause we don't have the time to be sorry, so baby be the life of the party." My alarm rang. I quickly got out of bed and did my morning routine. A couple of minutes later, I sat on my bed and strolled through my account. Wow...I had a ton of questions. More than usual.

Lose some weight for once.
Do everyone a favor and kill yourself.

It went on and on...didn't stop. I finally clicked off my phone and threw it to the other side of my bed. I let out a loud sigh and ran my fingers through my hair. A droplet of water slips down my face and I quickly wipe it away. I pull my knee's up to my chest and bury my head into them. I start to think...maybe they are right. A few pounds wouldn't hurt. Just then, there was a loud knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell. Liam walks in. "You ready?" He asks. "Um...I think I am going to walk to school today." "You're crazy then. It's freezing out there. Just let me drive you." "Okay." I say giving in. I get off of my bed and Liam and I head downstairs together. "Hungry?" My mom asks looking at me as I slip on my shoes. I think about what people had said about me. 'Lose some weight for once.' It repeats in my head over and over again. "No thank you but thanks for asking." I finally say. My mom looks at me with concern. "Just make sure you eat something. Okay?" She says. I nod. Liam and I walk out the door and hop into his car. We buckle up and he drives off. The car ride was dead silent just like always. Liam stops the car a while later and I get out the car. "Thanks for the ride Liam." I say shutting the car door. "Anytime sis." Once I reach my locker in the building, Joe is leaning on the locker to the right of mine. "Hey." Joe mumbles as I open up my locker. I wave but don't make any contact with him. "Are you okay Alex?" He asks. The words come back to me. I try and shake the words out of my head but they won't budge. Tears start to spring to my eyes as I tilt my head back a bit. But a tear found a way to escape my eye. "Alex, what happened? You can tell me. I'm here for you." I turn my head to Joe's looking him in the eyes. "Tell me." He whispers lightly. I pull out my phone and click on my questions once I get to my account. I hand Joe my phone as he takes it and begins to scan the screen. A second later he looks up to me. He pulls me into his arms instead of saying anything. I felt safe for some reason. "You're beautiful." He whispers gently into my right ear. "Please don't listen to them. They are just jealous Alex." The only thing I thought was, 'Jealous of what?' "You're beautiful..." He says once again. We ended up walking the hallways together my head on his left shoulder and his left arm carefully placed around my neck. Eventually, the bell rings. By the time I get to the cafeteria after eighth period, Joe was waiting for me at a table with a few of our friends. "Hey." I say and take a seat next to Joe. "Hey're not eating?" He asks. I shake my head no. He must have seen my empty hands. "Why?" "I'm just not hungry. I had a big breakfast." I lied. I felt as if he knew I was lying, like he could just see it in my eyes. He nods not going further. A few minutes later, Joe and I started talking about random things until something he said caught my attention fully. "By any chance Alex Meyers. Would you like to go with me to the school's fall festival tomorrow?" He asks. Steph nudges my side and mouths a yes. "Like a date..?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah sure. I'd love to go with you." His lips turn into a smile and so do mine. I could see people out of the corner of my eye smiling to. Just to catch up on the school's fall festival, it's held every year just for high schooler's.
It's actually a really fun night. You just go have some fun with your friends of whoever. It's honestly like a fair. Everyone usually goes. There's candy, pizza, music(Dj), pop-corn, and other crazy shit. It starts at 7 pm and ends at 11 pm...the rest of the school day slips by really fast. Liam drives me home just like the usual. Liam parks the car on the driveway to our home and I hop out. I walk into my home, holding the door open for Liam and earning a smile from him. I smile in return, kick off my shoes, and set my bag down. "Hey mom." I say sitting down on a bar stool. "Hey sweetie. How was school?" "Good but..." "But what?" "Can I go out tomorrow night?" She immediately looks up from the paperwork she was doing. "No. You know the rules. Not on a school night. We've gone over this before." "Come on mom. Please." I beg. "What is this place that you want to go to so badly?" She asks. "The fall festival." "It's held on a Wednesday this year?" I nod. "Yes, you can go then but who are you going with? Your sisters? Your friends?" "A guy at school named Joe asked me today. We met yesterday." "Like a date?" She asks sweetly. I nod while smiling wide as ever. "Awe, my baby girl is going on a date. You're growing up so fast." She says embracing me in a hug as she kisses my cheek. "Ew mom." I whine. "Oh, stop." She lets go of me and I sit back down on the stool that I was sitting on before. "Mom?" "Yes sweetie?" "Can I live with you forever?" I joke. "Haha. No. That's not going to happen. Never." She laughs. "Alright. I just thought that I should give that a shot." "What are you wearing to the festival?" She asks. "Just some skinny jeans and a sleeveless shirt with my rock chick boots. Something simple." "Alright. Well go get that ready for tomorrow and do your homework. By the time you're done with that, dinner will be ready." "Haha mom?" "What?" "I don't have any homework. It's the second day of school." "Shut up." She laughs. I head upstairs and sit on my bed plugging in my headphones. I press on Kodaline's radio and 'All I want' by Kodaline begins to play. I log into even though I know I shouldn't have. I wonder what they had said about me now? I click onto questions taking a deep breath in hoping the questions aren't as bad as they were this morning. I read the screen...same thing. I should've known. It's not going to get any better. Is it? I sigh loudly and close my eyes, not knowing what to do anymore. Tears creep out of my eye-lids but I let them fall this time. Joe's words from this morning fall silently back into my head. "You're beautiful...please don't listen to them. They're just jealous're beautiful." I just wish I could believe his words. I wish this was never happening to me...or anyone. I don't even know what to think. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and lay down inside of my covers not caring about dinner. I eyes shut slowly and I soon fell asleep...I feel so torn...I feel as nobody is there for me but there really is...

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