For the First Time

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I wake up feeling like straight up crap. My head is pounding like I just got kicked with something hard. I strip down everything off of my body and step in the shower. The hot water runs down my body feeling relaxed and making the pounding from my head go away. I stand there for a while, letting the water fall onto me. The second I step out of the shower, the cold air sends chills down my whole entire body. I change quickly just into a pair of black Victoria Secret sweatpants and a white v-neck shirt and get everything else done. I sit on my bed for a minute and check my account. Same thing. Just worse. Tears build my eyes but I don't let them fall this time. I go downstairs and greet my family and head out of the door not having breakfast. I have a feeling not eating breakfast might be a daily thing now. 10 minutes later, Liam stops the car and we get out. I walk to my locker opening it almost hitting myself in the face. Out of nowhere someone puts their hands on-top of my eyes. "Guess who?" They ask. "Uhh...Joe?" I say already knowing it was him. "You've moved on to the next level. Congrats." He says. "Shut up." I say smacking him playfully on the arm. He leans on the locker next to mine and stares at me...
"Why are you staring at me?" I ask smiling a bit. "You're just so gorgeous." He smiles. I look down and smile as he still watches me. "Stop looking at me. It's weird." "Okay." He laughs. We begin to walk the hallways just as always. I put my head down on his left shoulder and he places his left arm carefully around my neck. "You ready for tonight?" He asks smiling. "Who isn't?" I say. He chuckles gently and smiles as his dimples spread across his face. The rest of the day goes by smoothly and quick. Liam had something to do so he couldn't drive me home. So, I just walked. I get home around 4 pm and walk inside of my house. "Hi mom!" I yell in a cheery voice. "Hi darling!" She yells back laughing. I love my mom. She's just like me. Haha. "Hey, sweetheart?" My mom calls out to me. "Yeah?" "There's a little bit of dishes in the sink. Can you please do them for me?" She asks. "Sure." "Thank you." "Yup, no problem." I set my bag down and walk over to the sink. I grabbed a rag and put soap on it. I rinsed it under water a bit and started washing the 6 plates that needed to be washed. After, I was done with the small pile of dishes, I sat on a bar stool across from my mom. "You excited for tonight?" She asks. "Yes. He's a really good guy." I smile. "I'm sure he is." She says smiling. "So, how'd you guys meet?" She asks. "Um...well he actually helped me out of a crowd the first day of school." "And it just went from there?" "Yup!" I say. All of a sudden the front door opens revealing Liam, Cameron, and Joe...? What's Joe doing here? Not that I don't want him here. "Hi Ms.Meyers." Joe says smiling. "Hi Joe! How are you?" "Good! How are you?" "Good, thanks!" My mom says smiling. My face was blank. They know each-other? I mean Joe plays football with Cameron and Liam but I wouldn't think my mom would know Joe. "Hi Ali." Joe says smiling. "Hi!" I yell in a happy tone. "Wait. Are you and Joe-" my mom starts to say but I cut her off. "Yes. I didn't know you knew Joe." I say. "Yeah. I've known him for about a year now." She says. Wow. Where have I been? "So, are you ready for tonight?" Joe asks. "You already asked that. This morning you asked that." "I know. I just wanted to hear your voice again." He smiles. "Well, you succeeded." I say smiling. "Haha." He laughs. I turn my head and my mom is smiling at me. "What?" I ask. "Nothing. You guys are just so cute." I smile looking down. "Oh look! She's blushing!" Liam yells. "No I'm not!" I laugh my face starting to heat up. I hear footsteps walking over to me. I look up and Joe is there looking at me. "Why are you blushing?" He laughs. "I'm not!" I laugh smiling hard. He starts to smile too which makes me even smile harder. "Stop smiling." I say. "Why?" "Whatever." I playfully say. He laughs lightly. "Why are you here?" I ask. "Oh, you don't want me here?" "No, I do. I'm just wondering." "Liam, Cameron, and I are partners for a project that we have to finish up." "Oh, cool." I say. "Yeah, well we have to get started now. But I'd rather be with you. No offense guys." "Shut up. Go do your project." I say. "Haha, wait." He says. "What?" "You have something on your shirt." I look down. Nothing's there. I look back up. Out of nowhere Joe pinches my nose. "What was that for?" I laugh. "I don't know. I just felt like it." "Go work on your project!" "Haha okay." He smiles.
I grab an apple from the fridge and walk upstairs to my room. I log into my account and click on my questions. There was actually a few new ones.

Don't listen to them. You're beautiful.
You're an amazing person.
You are beautiful.
Don't listen to them. Their just haters. Xx.

I actually smiled. Maybe they are right. I am beautiful. I don't need to starve myself. I am good enough the way I am. An hour later someone knocked on my door. "Come in!" I yell. Joe walks in with candy in his hand, popcorn, and 2 large bottles of Red Bull. "What's this?" I ask. "What would you rather do? Go to the fall festival or stay here with me watching movies and eating junk?" He smiles. "Let me think about it. Never mind I don't have to think. I'll stay here with you." I smile and he smiles back. "Come lay down with me." I say. He walks over and lays down. "What movie do you want to watch?" He asks. "Um...Harry Potter?" I say turning my answer into a question. "Sure. Do you have all of them?" I nod. "Where are they?" "Over there on the shelf over there." I say pointing to the direction. He gets up and finds the movie. Once he finds it, he throws it over to me to put in the DVD player. I put the movie in the DVD player and press start. The movie begins after a couple of previews and Joe shuts the lights off so it's pitch black. "Can I tell you something?" Joe asks. "Sure." "You are so beautiful." I smile at him. "Thank you." "You're welcome." Through most of the movie, Joe and I just talked. It was quite nice actually. The movie ended and I was going to get up but Joe pulled me back down. I looked him in the eyes as he looked into mine. He started leaning in that I could feel his warm breath coming closer to me. Our lips were just an inch away...all of a sudden someone walked through the door. We pulled away as quickly as possible. "Oh, wants you." Marisa said. "Okay." I respond. "I should get going." Joe says. "Alright...I had a good time. We should do this again." "Yeah, we should." He says smiling. We walk downstairs together seeing everyone down there. "Did you guys kiss?!" Liam asks as Taylor hits him on the arm. "I am going to go home now." Joe says. "Alright sweetie. It was really nice seeing you." My mom says walking with him to the door. "You too Ms.Meyers." He smiles. Joe walks out the door leaving me with a smile on my face. A second later the doorbell rings. My mom opens it and Joe is standing there. "I forgot something." She lets him in. He walks over to me and smiles. He takes my hands and fuddles with them. "Alex, you are so beautiful." He says. His warm breath gets closer and closer to me. He presses his lips gently to mine making butterflies erupt in my stomach. It honestly feels like a rollercoaster but when it's your first time. Our lips depart and he looks into my eyes. "I've been waiting to do that since day one when I first met you." I look down smiling. "You're so beautiful." I look back up and smile. "I don't think know-one has ever told me that I was beautiful so many times in one day. Haha." I say. "It's true." He smiles. "Can I borrow her for a second?" Joe asks looking at my mom. "Yes. You may." She smiles. Joe and I walk out the front door onto the front porch. "Thank you for an incredible night. I couldn't of had been any happier tonight with you." "You're welcome." He takes my hands and puts them to his lips and kisses them. "Goodnight Ali." "Goodnight Joe." I smile. He walks to his car and I watch him drive off...

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